Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Virtual - Online meeting. View directions

Note: The Licensing Committee prefers to hold Licensing Act hearings in the presence of the parties, but in this instance, given the Covid-19 situation, the Sub-Committee has adopted the lawful and appropriate procedure of holding the meeting virtually. If you would like an invite to attend the meeting virtually please contact the Corporate and Community Services Office on 01271 388253 to request an invite. Please request this no later than noon on Monday 10 January 2022. 

No. Item


Appointment of the Chair


RESOLVED that Councillor Derrick Spear be appointed as Chair.


Virtual meeting Etiquette and Procedure

Chair to report.


The Corporate and Community Services Officer confirmed that everyone who should be was present and read out the virtual meeting procedures and etiquette. 


Apologies for absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of interest

(Please complete the form provided at the meeting or telephone Corporate and Community Services to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting.  Interests must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary).



There were no declarations of interest made.


Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence; Downend Beach Café, Croyde Road, Croyde, Braunton, North Devon, EX33 1QE, reference 053653 pdf icon PDF 293 KB

Report by Licensing Officer (attached).

Additional documents:


Also present:


Mr H Hare, Applicant

Mrs M Beaumont, Mr Maddocks, Mrs J Young and Mr P Hall, Persons who had made a representation.


The Sub-Committee considered the application for a premises licence in respect of Down End Beach Café, Croyde, Braunton, Devon, EX33 1QE (circulated previously) reference 053653.


The Chair introduced himself and invited those present to introduce themselves.


The Licensing Officer confirmed that all the formal requirements had been met for the submission of the application.


The Legal Advisor outlined the hearing process.


The Licensing Officer presented his report.  He confirmed that one representation made in objection to the application had been withdrawn.  Of the remaining five representations made, two were present at the meeting.  No responsible authority had made a representation.  The Planning Team had made an observation indicating planning permission maybe needed on the structure in the car park.  Although Devon and Cornwall Police had not made a representation the Police had visited the applicant and discussed the conditions volunteered which could be imposed on any licence granted (found at appendix O of the agenda).  A plan of the area being considered in this application could be found on page 37 of the agenda.  Reference was made to the policy guidelines on harm and the Licensing Officer concluded his presentation referring the Sub-Committee to paragraphs 7.1 to 7.4 of the report which gave the options available to them in their decision making.


Mr Hare, applicant was invited to address the Sub-Committee.  In his presentation to the Sub-Committee the applicant gave the following information:


·         He observed that the whole application process to obtain a licence was lengthy and was not something to be taken lightly

·         He had previously owned and run an hotel in Cornwall for 25 years and considered himself to have plenty of experience and knowledge of running a licensed premises

·         Visitors to the site had asked on numerous occasions about being able to purchase a drink with their food/takeaway

·         He had previously applied for Temporary Event Notice (TEN) to hold an event from a bus on the site.  This had been a subdued affair, due in part to the limitation of the TEN and limitations due to staff shortages

·         They had  been visited by the Police and had offered a number of conditions to help allay fears

·         He had now sourced a vessel that was lidded and would be operating a £1 purchase  or hire of the multi-use vessels to reduce littering

·         There would be no glass, tins or bottles given out

·         He had agreed to provide CCTV and the Police were keen for this to be installed

·         No music or live music was to be played

·         No near neighbours had expressed any concerns or submitted any representations

·         He had reassured a Croyde Residents Association member that there were not going to be raves every night or rubbish strewn about

·         Unfortunately, he had not had the chance to address the Parish Council meeting as his application had not been  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22.