Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Ilfracombe Centre - Ilfracombe. View directions

Contact: Corporate and Community Services  01271 388253

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Wilkinson.


To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2021 (attached)

Subject to the decision of Minute 35 being amended to replace the word RESOLVED with RECOMMENDED.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2021 (circulated previously) be approved with the correction to the decision on Minute 35 to replace RESOLVED with “RECOMMENDED” and the addition of the wording, “and signed by the Chair”.


Declarations of Interest

(Please complete the form provided at the meeting or telephone Corporate and Community Services to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting) Items must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary)




The following declarations of interest were announced:


Councillor Fowler                 Personal interest in all items, as well as a financial interest in Item 9.


Councillor Campbell            Personal interest in all items as on occasion worked for the Landmark Trust and Lundy Island.


Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit Report Ilfracombe & Lynmouth Harbours pdf icon PDF 384 KB

Report by Health and Safety Manager (attached)


The Board considered the Quarterly Designated Person Port Marine Safety Code Audit report (circulated previously), by the Health and Safety Manager.


The Designated Person who was unable to attend the meeting gave his apologies.  The Harbour Master confirmed that the quarterly audit found the Marine Safety Management System was working effectively and thus was in compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code. 


The Board received the following update:


·         The wear plates had arrived on 22 December 2021 but there were no fixings enclosed.

·         A plumbing regulator valve was on order to complete the new Fishermen’s toilets.

·         The New Year Day swim raised over £1000 for the RNLI, as it was so well attended there were plans to do the same next year.  The Harbour Master was also in talks with the triathlon group.

·         All Marine Safety Management System document had been updated to reflect that risk assessments were now stored on the North Devon Council’s Corporate drive.

·         A structural engineer had carried out an assessment on 28 January 2022.  His initial conclusions were that the crack along the East Face was due to the original pour and was not considered unstable and just required monitoring.  Confirmation of how often monitoring was required was being sought.

·         Stone bench will require remedial works carried out which would have to be scheduled to take place ahead of boats going back in the harbour at the end of March 2022.  The Harbour Master was waiting on the final report with the recommendations of the works to be carried out.

·         The Parliamentary archives were to be investigated in the ongoing status review of Lynmouth.


The Board noted the findings in the report.


Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbour's Budget Trading Accounts 2021 to 2022 pdf icon PDF 18 KB

Report by Accounts Manager (attached)


The Board considered the Ilfracombe and Lynmouth Harbour’s Budget Trading Accounts 2021 to 2022, (circulated previously), report by the Accounts Manager.


The Harbour Master, in the absence of the Director of Resources, provided the Board with the following updates:


·         The report showed actual figures for the first three quarters of the financial year 2021 along with forecast figures for the end of year.

·         The overall total was in line with the budget for the year.

·         The higher levels of expenditure in quarter three and predicted for quarter four were expected due to being off season and the best time to carry out maintenance works.

·         There were no areas for concern within the accounts.


The Board noted the account figures.



Mobile Food Vendor Pitch

Harbour Master to report.


The Harbour Master gave the Board the following information in respect of a Mobile Food Vendor pitch request:


·         A request had been received to place a mobile food outlet at a position on the North end of the Pier car park.

·         This request was also to be discussed at the next Ilfracombe Regeneration Board meeting scheduled to be held 2nd February 2022.

·         It would not be possible to assign this to one individual operator.  The process of going out to tender would have to be followed.

·         It would be prudent to have a regular change in operators at the site as it was such a prestigious location.


Members of the Board discussed the merits and pitfalls of allowing such a request to go ahead.  It was proposed that now was not the right time to go to tender, inviting bids to operate in the carpark.  If, however, the use of the Pier car park changed then the option of Mobile food vendors would be revisited.


RESOLVED that the Harbour Master not allow mobile food vendors to pitch on the Harbour.


Charges Review Consultation Feedback pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Report by Harbour Master (attached).


The Chair re-declared his financial interest in this item as he was a boat owner and Trustee of the Ilfracombe Yacht Club.  He left the room during the consideration of this item. 


RESOLVED that Councillor Campbell be appointed temporary Chair for this item.


The Board considered the Charges Review Consultation feedback and report, (circulated previously) by the Harbour Master.


The Harbour Master gave the Board the following update:


·         There had been 98 positive responses to the proposed increase.

·         Two responses received were not happy about the proposed increase on fuel charge.

·         One company had suggested that a 2% late payment fee be introduced to encourage prompt payment of invoices.

·         North Devon Council invoices already stipulated that there would be a late payment fee charged if an invoice was not paid within 21 days.

·         North Devon Council had a fuel contract with a local company which the Harbour was obligated to use for fuel purchases.

·         The refuelling of the Harbour tank was not considered a high priority by this Company which had led to a delay in deliveries of fuel.

·         The Harbour Master had agreed with one local trawler company that they could bring in their own tanker to refuel and instructed that the Bunkering Procedures had to be adhered to at all times.

·         The Harbour Master had requested with the legal department whether it was possible for the Harbour to pull out of the fuel contract.  This would allow the Harbour Master the ability to be able to purchase fuel at the best possible price for its users.




(a)  all mooring dues and relevant miscellaneous charges be increased by 2.2%, and;

(b)  fuel charges be increased by 8% for all commercial operators and that the duel level percentage for pleasure craft be incorporated into a single price per litre.


Marine Safety Plan

Harbour Master to report.


The Harbour Master had no update to give on the Marine Safety Plan.


Aids to Navigation

Harbour Master to report.


The Harbour Master provided the Board with an update on Aids to Navigation.


The Board heard the following update:


·         The cost of replacing 200 metres of wiring and replacing two sets of lights was compared with quotes from two companies specialising in Solar powered lights.

·         The lights could be run for 20 to 30 days without direct sunlight recharging the Solar panels.

·         As Old Quay Head sat in the shadow of the opposite hill, there were concerns that there wouldn’t be enough sunlight to power solar panels in this location.  The hard-wired lights at Stone Bench would be moved to Old Quay Head.

·         Monitoring systems for the lights could be purchased, which would notify the Harbour Master when lights were not working.

·         A costings and budget plan would be presented to the Board at a future date if members considered this a worthwhile direction to take.


Members considered the use of UV powered solar panel lights to be in keeping with the environmental objectives of the Council.


RESOLVED that the Harbour Master draft a report with recommendations on the replacing of hard wired navigation lights with solar powered lights for consideration at a future Harbour Board meeting.


Infrastructure Update

Harbour Master to report.


The Harbour Master gave the Board an update in respect of Infrastructure.


The Board received the following update:


·       Works at the Cove were progressing.

·       There had been no submissions for the removal of the old tollbooths.

·       Other options would be investigated.


Environmental Consideration

Harbour Master to report.


There was no update given.


Future Projects

Harbour Master to report.


The Harbour Master updated the Board in respect of Future Projects.


The Board heard the following updates:


·         The Larkstone Hub support Officer Position had been filled, which would assist the Harbour Master with the additional duties as a result of the Water Sports Centre. 

·         The successful candidate was a retired fireman and had worked in some large fire stations in London, as well as teaching in schools on fire safety issues.

·         The café space was being advertised through a commercial estate agent.

·         The recruitment of a Police Community Safety Officer Maritime (PCSO) had been successful.  The candidate was a retired CID officer who had experience of working in prisons and at airports.

·         The Harbour Master has requested two additional powers for the PCSO Maritime role to make the role meaningful for the Harbour Authority.

·         There was a possible cruise ship visit in June, coinciding with the Queens Platinum Jubilee bank holiday weekend.

·         The Harbour Master had researched the possibility of a petrol storage tank on the harbour.  The cost of this was estimated at £150,000.


The Board discussed the merits and pitfalls of placing an above ground petrol tank on the Harbour.


RESOLVED that the Harbour Master not pursue the placement of a petrol tank on the Harbour. 


Harbour Community Forum

Harbour Master to report.


The Harbour Master updated the Board in respect of the Harbour Community Forum.


The Board received the following update:


·       The Community Forum were not currently meeting.

·       The Community Forum was an important means of communication with the harbour authority.

·       The Harbour Master felt the current Forum should be dissolved and the constitution re-drafted.

·       A Community Forum could be set up at Lynmouth at the same time.