Venue: Barum Room - Brynsworthy
Contact: Corporate and Community Services 01271 388253
Note: For meetings held at Brynsworthy only, you can join the meeting virtually via Microsoft Teams. There are also limited spaces to attend the meeting in person. If you would like to join the meeting virtually or attend in person please contact Corporate and Community Services by 12pm 2 working days prior to the meeting by telephone 01271 388253 or email All meetings will be recorded and uploaded to the Council’s YouTube channel. If you attend the meeting virtually, please be aware that your phone number and/or your email address will be visible to councillors and officers of North Devon Council attending the committee but will not be visible to members of the public or others. This is required to allow you to be identified on Microsoft Teams, the software used by the Council to hold virtual meetings, and will not be used for any other purpose by the Council. For more information, or to exercise your rights, visit
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence |
Items brought forward which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered by the meeting as a matter of urgency. |
Declarations of Interests. Please telephone the Corporate and Community Services team to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting. Interests must be re-declared when the item is called. A declaration of interest under the Code of Conduct will be a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, an Other Registrable Interest or a Non-Registrable Interest. If the item directly relates to your interest you must declare the interest and leave the room for the item, save in the case of Other Registrable Interests or Non-Registrable Interests where you may first speak on the item as a member of the public if provision has been made for the public to speak. If the matter does not directly relate to your interest but still affects it then you must consider whether you are affected to a greater extent than most people and whether a reasonable person would consider your judgement to be clouded, if you are then you must leave the room for the item (although you may speak as a member of the public if provision has been made for the public to speak) or, if you are not, then you can declare the interest but still take part). |
Exclusion of Public and Press and Restriction of Documents |
PART 'A' |
Landmark Theatres Update Head of Place, Property and Regeneration to report. |
AONB Management Plan Update Presentation Joint Manager North Devon Coast National Landscape to report. |
Material Recovery Facility Infrastructure Update Head of Environmental Enhancement to report. |
Procurement of Public Art (Cultural Development Fund Project) PDF 318 KB Report by Museum Manager (attached). |
Approval and release of S106 Public Open Space Funds - Tarka Leisure Centre, Barnstaple PDF 303 KB Report by Parks, Leisure and Public Open Space Officer (attached). Additional documents: |
PART 'B' (Confidential Restricted Information) Exclusion of Public and Press and Restriction of Documents.
(a) That under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item as the report involves the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act (as amended from time to time), namely information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); and
(b) That all documents and reports relating to the item be confirmed as “Not for Publication”. |
Acquisition of Land for Affordable Housing Report by Service Lead Affordable Housing (attached). Additional documents: