Agenda and draft minutes

Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Barnstaple Rugby Club

Contact: Corporate and Community Services  01271 388253

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors R. Knight, C. Leaver, Spear and Whitehead.


To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 26th June 2024 and 3rd July 2024 pdf icon PDF 204 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held on 26 June 2024 and 3 July 2024 (circulated previously) be approved as correct records and signed by the Chair.


Items brought forward which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered by the meeting as a matter of urgency


(a)  Boxphish training for Councillors


The Chair reminded Councillors to complete the Boxphish training course in a timely manner which was important as it was part of cyber security training.  He advised that it only took around 5-6 minutes to complete.


(b)  Joint Local Plan Workshop – 5 September 2024


The Chair reminded Councillors that the Joint Local Plan workshop which was scheduled to be held on Thursday 5 September 2024 had been postponed.


(c)  Planning Committee site inspection – 13 September 2024


The Chair reminded Councillors of the Planning Committee site inspection that had been scheduled to take place on Friday 13 September 2024 in relation to planning application 76857: Land at Ley Lane, Patchole.


Declaration of Interests

Please telephone the Corporate and Community Services team to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting. Interests must be re-declared when the item is called. A declaration of interest under the Code of Conduct will be a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, an Other Registrable Interest or a Non-Registrable Interest.  If the item directly relates to your interest you must declare the interest and leave the room for the item, save in the case of Other Registrable Interests or Non-Registrable Interests where you may first speak on the item as a member of the public if provision has been made for the public to speak.  If the matter does not directly relate to your interest but still affects it then you must consider whether you are affected to a greater extent than most people and whether a reasonable person would consider your judgement to be clouded, if you are then you must leave the room for the item (although you may speak as a member of the public if provision has been made for the public to speak) or, if you are not, then you can declare the interest but still take part).



The following declarations of interest were announced:


Councillor Davies – Planning applications 78963, 78998 and 78849: Disclosable Pecuniary interest as the agent for the applications.


Councillor Haworth-Booth – Planning applications 78752 and 78753: Other registerable interest as the Council’s appointed representative on the Bridge Trust  


Councillor Prowse – Planning applications 78752 and 78753: Other registerable interest as the Council’s appointed representative on the Bridge Trust  


76809: Land to North of Station Road, Woolacombe, Devon, EX34 7AX pdf icon PDF 5 MB

Outline application for residential development of 105 dwellings with some matters reserved (Appearance, Scale and Landscaping) (Further information received) (Development Affecting a Public Right of Way). Report by the Lead Planning Officer (Major Applications) (attached).


Additional documents:


The Council considered a report by the Lead Planning Officer (Major Applications) (circulated previously) regarding planning application 76809.


The Lead Planning Officer (Major Applications) outlined the report to the Committee and provided an update to the Committee as follows:


·       That since the publication of the agenda that the total numbers of representations received were as follows: 88 in support; 226 in objection; 21 general comment and a petition containing 19 signatures.  The additional representations received raised no new issues and were in relation to similar or same issues that had been previously raised. 

·       That further to the Committee site inspection, it had been confirmed that 170m of hedgerow would be removed and replaced on site as well as bolstering other parts of the site.


Councillor Crabb arrived at the meeting.


Councillor Don Duffield (Parish Council representative), Graham Devine (supporter), Mark Cann (supporter), Will Ridalls (objector), Ron Ley (objector), Harry Middleton (objector), Andrew Ball (objector), Claire Alers-Hankey (on behalf of the agent), Andrew Pegg (joint applicant) and Martyn Gimber (joint applicant) addressed the Committee.


The Senior Corporate and Community Services Officer read out a statement on behalf of Paul Neal (objector) to the Committee.


The Senior Corporate and Community Services Officer read out a statement on behalf of Councillor Bell, Lead Member for Housing, to the Committee.


Councillor Wilkinson (Ward Member) addressed the Committee.


The Chair advised Councillor Crabb that as he had arrived during the consideration of this item that he was not able to propose or second a motion or cast a vote.


In response to questions from the Committee, the Highways Officer (PY) advised the following:


·       Typically there would be between 6 – 8 vehicle movements per dwelling per day.  For the whole site it was predicted that there would potentially be around 600-800 vehicle movements per day.

·       There was also a need to consider peak flow time between 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm, where it would be potentially 60 vehicle movements.

·       Highways objection was in relation to the lack of accessibility to and from the site for non-motorised users and conflict with vehicles.

·       There was no calculation in relation to number of pedestrian movements per dwelling per day.

·       There was a need to consider what services were available in the vicinity and the location of facilities where users that did not have vehicular access would need to walk to and potential conflict with vehicles would arise.

·       Key consideration for this application was sustainability.  It was considered that the site was quite isolated in terms of facilities and amenities.  The convenience stores in the near vicinity were small in nature.  The increase in movements would arise for travelling to schools and medical facilities. The site was unsustainable in terms of distances to facilities and amenities.  Consideration also needed to be taken into account in relation to topography of the area, the condition of public rights of ways and lack of street lighting.  If pedestrians used the main highway network, sections of footpaths were missing and there was a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47.


78372: Victoria Pleasure Grounds, Wilder Road, Ilfracombe, Devon pdf icon PDF 550 KB

Remove and replace existing kiosk, widen pedestrian access to site and rejuvenate mini golf course. Report by the Planning Officer (attached).


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Planning Officer (BC) (circulated previously) regarding planning application 78372.


The Planning Officer (BC) advised of the receipt of a representation from Ilfracombe Town Council in support and two letters of representation in support of the application since the publication of the agenda.


RESOLVED (8 for, 0 against, 0 abstained) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Planning Officer (BC).


78722: Pannier Market, Broad Street, South Molton, Devon EX36 3AB pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Listed Building Consent for replacement of 4 rooflights & a ridge rooflight together with replacement of 2 hoppers & downpipes. Report by Planning Compliance Apprentice (attached).



Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Planning Compliance Apprentice (DM) regarding planning application 78722.


The Service Manager (Development Management) outlined the report and introduced the Planning Compliance Apprentice to the Committee.


RESOLVED (unanimous) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Planning Compliance Apprentice.


78752: Bridge Chambers, The Strand, Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 1HB pdf icon PDF 492 KB

Listed Building application for proposed refurbishment & alterations to the mixed use building to include the change of use of office space to ancillary food/ drink area on ground floor. Report by the Planning Officer (attached).



Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Planning Officer (BC) (circulated previously) regarding planning application 78752.


RESOLVED that it being 1.00 pm that the meeting continue in order for the remaining business to be transacted


RESOLVED (unanimous) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Planning Officer (BC).



78753: Bridge Chambers, The Strand, Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 1HB pdf icon PDF 556 KB

Proposed refurbishment & alterations to the mixed use building to include the change of use of office space to ancillary food/ drink area on ground floor. Report by the Planning Officer (attached).


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Planning Officer (BC) (circulated previously) regarding planning application 78753.


RESOLVED (unanimous) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Planning Officer (BC).




78936: Wind Turbine At Philip Dennis Foodservice, Mullacott Cross Industrial Estate, Ilfracombe, Devon EX34 8PL pdf icon PDF 226 KB

Variation of condition 3 (Timescale) attached to planning permission 52212 (Erection of one wind turbine (height 79.6 metres, height to hub 55.6 metres, blade diameter 48 metres) together with associated cabling works, erection of inverter house & creation of access track) to allow an extended timescale to 40 years for the continued use of the wind turbine. Report by the Service Manager (Development Management) (attached).


Additional documents:


Councillor Davies re-declared his disclosable pecuniary interest in planning applications 78936, 78998 and 78849 and left the meeting during the consideration of these applications.


Councillor Lane took the Chair.


The Committee considered a report by the Service Manager (Development Management) (circulated previously) regarding planning application 78936.


RESOLVED (unanimous) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Service Manager (Development Management).


78998: Bedport Poultry Farm Burrington Umberleigh Devon EX37 9LE pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (Demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) in respect of raising the roof by 300mm, amendments to internal layout, porch, fenestration, re-positioning of PV panels and changes to external materials - Plot 2. Report by the Senior Planning Officer (attached).



Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Senior Planning Officer (SM) (circulated previously) regarding planning application 78998.


In response to a question from the Committee, the Service Manager (Development Management) advised the following:


·       That in relation to the “fall back position” for Class Q permissions, that she would provide a presentation at a future Planning Agents Forum to provide some guidance.


RESOLVED (unanimous) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Senior Planning Officer (SM).



78849: Higher Leyton, Elstone, Chulmleigh, Devon, EX18 7AF pdf icon PDF 566 KB

Demolition of existing barn & erection of a bungalow with amenity space, landscaping, refuse and recycling storage and car parking (following approval for the conversion under application ref 77837). Report by Planning Officer (attached).


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Planning Officer (DJ) (circulated previously) regarding planning application 78849.


RESOLVED (unanimous) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Planning Officer (DJ).




Appeal report pdf icon PDF 302 KB

To consider the report by the Planning Support Officer (attached).


Additional documents:


Councillor Davies returned to the meeting.


The Committee considered and noted the appeal report by the Planning Support Officer (circulated previously).


The Service Manager (Development Manager) provided an update in relation to planning appeals 70347, 75487, 77187, 77201 and 78005.  She advised of a typographical error in the report in relation to 75437 as the appeal had been allowed and that the appeal in relation to 78005 had been withdrawn.



To consider if any Planning Site Inspections are required and to agree the reason(s) and date(s) for those inspections to be held.


The Chair reminded the Committee of the site inspection scheduled on Friday 13 September 2024 at 12.00 pm in relation to planning application 76857: Land at Ley Lane, Patchole, Barrnstaple, Kentisbury EX31 4NB.