Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Barum Room - Brynsworthy. View directions

Contact: Corporate and Community Services  01271 388253

Note: From the 7 May 2021, the law requires all councils to hold formal meetings in person. The Council is also required to follow Government guidance and ensure that all venues used are Covid secure and that all appropriate measures are put in place. There are 6 spaces available for members of the public to attend. If you would like to book a place, please contact Corporate and Community Services by 12noon on Friday 27th August 2021 to book a place (by telephoning 01271 388253 or emailing For track and trace purposes you will be required to provide your name, address and contact telephone number. This data will be held by the Council for 21 days.  

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Fowler, Gubb, Leaver and Yabsley.



Declaration of Interests

(Please complete the form provided at the meeting or telephone the Corporate and Community Services Team to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting.  Items must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary)




No Declarations of Interest were announced.



72836: Erection of two dwellings together with alterations to existing builder's workshop to be used as ancillary store at Land off Down Lane, Braunton. pdf icon PDF 455 KB

To view a virtual site visit and associated report(s) by the Senior Planning Officer (attached).

Additional documents:


The Committee was presented with a virtual site visit by the Senior Planning Officer (SE) which included various photographs and maps of the site, of the site as it was currently, and as it would be if the planning was approved.


As part of the site visit, the Committee was shown:


·         The map showing the outline of the site.

·         Floor plans and plot elevations of both proposed properties and the ancillary store.

·         Drawings of the existing ancillary store and the alterations to the store.

·         Visuals of plots 1 and 2.

·         Videos taken from the top of Heanton Hill and the recreation ground, looking towards the site.

·         A photo taken from the recreation ground which had been included in the Visual Impact Assessment. A close up of the photo was shown with the proposed dwellings added to the image.  It was noted that the proposed dwellings would have flat roofs and they sat low in the landscape.

·         Video of the Hills View Road junction.

·         Video taken from the top of the Seven Acre Road junction.

·         Video of Down Lane / Higher Park Road.

·         Video taken in Down Lane showing the access to the site off of the lane. The video showed the existing workshop (which would be reduced in size).

·         Video taken from the site. It was noted that the recreation site was not visible in the video. The existing properties which bordered the site were shown to the Committee. The video showed the access track on site.

·         Visuals showing the architect’s 3-D drawings of the dwellings within the site.


The Senior Planning Officer (SE) advised the Committee that:


·         Both dwellings would have garages attached.

·         Both the Senior Planning Officer and Lead Planning Officer (North) had visited the site and surrounding area following discussion with the Ward Members (Cllrs D and L Spears).

·         The locations visited included Down Lane, Heanton Hill and the recreation field.

·         Devon County Council had no objections to the application.

·         The application was submitted with the flat roofs included as part of the design. This was not following any consultation.


Following questions from the Committee to the applicant, the following was confirmed:


·         The gravel road/track on the site was owned by the applicant.

·         The road was a ‘dead end’.