Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Barnstaple Rugby Club Main Room - Barnstaple Rugby Club. View directions

Contact: Corporate and Community Services  01271 388253

Note: From the 7th May 2021, the law requires all councils to hold formal meetings in person. The Council is also required to follow Government guidance and ensure that all venues used are Covid secure and that all appropriate measures are put in place. There are limited spaces available for members of the public to attend. If you would like to book a place, please contact Corporate and Community Services by 12noon on Monday 7th June 2021 on 01271 388253 or email: For track and trace purposes you will be required to provide your name, address and contact telephone number. This data will be held by the Council for 21 days. 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Gubb, who appointed a substitute, Councillor Biederman, to attend in her place.



To approve as correct records the minutes of the meetings held on 28th April 2021 and 19th May 2021 pdf icon PDF 377 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held on 28th April 2021 and 19th May 2021 (circulated previously) be approved as correct records and signed by the Chair with the amendment to minute no.19 of the minutes of 28th April 2021, as follows: “Councillor Biederman addressed the Committee as a Committee Member”.



Declaration of Interests

(Please complete the form provided at the meeting or telephone the Corporate and Community Services Team to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting.  Items must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary)




The following declarations of interest were announced:


Councillor D Spear

Planning application 60823: Personal interest as a Council representative for the North Devon Biosphere.


Councillor Yabsley

Planning application 60823: Personal interest as a Council representative for the North Devon Biosphere.


Councillor Crabb

Planning application 60823: Personal interest as a Business customer of the applicant (Mr Jury).






73002: Application under Regulation 3 of the T & C P Regulations Notification by North Devon Council in respect of replacement of ladders with new solar powered top step down light and replacement top safety hand railings together with installation of new fenders at The Quay Wall and Old Quay Head, Ilfracombe, Devon. pdf icon PDF 305 KB

Report by Planning Officer (attached).


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Planning Officer (circulated previously).


The Planning Officer addressed the Committee.


RESOLVED (unanimously) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Planning Officer.



72987: Listed building consent for replacement of ladders with new solar powered top step down light & Replacement top safety hand railings together with installation of new fenders at Quay Wall and Old Quay Head, The Quay, Ilfracombe, Devon. pdf icon PDF 290 KB

Report by Planning Officer (attached).


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Planning Officer (circulated previously).


The Planning Officer addressed the Committee.


RESOLVED (unanimously) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Planning Officer.



60823: Hybrid Planning Application at Former Yelland Power Station, Lower Yelland, Yelland, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 3EZ pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Hybrid planning application: (A) Full application for the access, scale & layout of site including raising of the ground levels, site access works & highway infrastructure to site, together with purpose built bat building. (B) Outline application for 250 dwellings (Use Class C3(a)), Space of up to 3000sqm employment (Use Class E(g)(i) and E(g)(ii) was Use Class B1). Retail Space of up to 250sqm gross floorspace (Use Class E(a) was Use Class A1); Space for the Sale of food and drink of up to 2000sqm Gross floorspace (Use Class E(b) Was Use Class A3); Service and Community Space of up to 500sqm Gross floorspace (Use Class E(d) E(e), E(f) and F1(a), F1(b), F1(e), and F2(b)was Use Class D1 and D2); (C) all the associated infrastructure including removal of any contamination, roads, footpaths, cycleway, drainage (including attenuation works), flood defence works, landscaping & appearance, public open space, utilities & vehicle parking & including demolition of buildings (amended scheme & supporting documents) (Amended description)


Report by Lead Planning Officer (South) (attached)

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Lead Planning Officer (circulated previously).


The Lead Planning Officer addressed the Committee and advised that since the publication of the agenda report and up to 4pm on the 8th June, a further 76 representations against the application had been received. These primarily expressed concerns already captured in the report but specifically referred to the following comments from the public:


·       Reference should be made to Build Back Better and Blueprint for Clean Growth

·       Biodiversity offsetting approach was flawed in principle – net loss / greater impact on other areas / more space needed for ecology/wildlife

·       Adverts in Gazette and associated claims were misleading

·       Communication over the format and venue of June meeting misleading

·       Impact on plans to reopen the railway line – network rail should be consulted

·       Credibility of North Devon planning processes - to approve this scheme against widespread community opposition would leave North Devon Planning procedures facing a crisis of trust

·       Councillors and planning staff had invested hours of time and resources in trying to make the best of an application that had little regard to the nature of the site, with the aim of securing a viable future for somewhere that was admittedly challenging. Despite their best efforts they had failed, as was inevitable with such an inappropriate proposition

·       Torridge District Council had refused plans for 39 homes for the edge of Northam.  This was following only 77 objections, and despite Torridge not having a five year land supply, and the development delivering 30% of affordable housing

·       A complete barrier between the development's users and the estuary was required


The Lead Planning Officer advised the Committee that:


·       A letter from Barnabas Tanton (aged 12) who spent his half term reducing his representation down to 400 words had been circulated to the Planning Committee by email and related to impact on birds/natural environment.

·       All updates to the report were highlighted in bold type for ease of reference.

·       Further Flood Risk Assessment Reports would be required at the Reserved Matters stage. An update was provided on page 218 of the agenda

·       The Environment Agency were satisfied with the principle of the sea defences.

·       Updated information in relation to the traffic movements was provided on page 216. It was noted that there was a willingness to bring in some materials by river using the jetty as an access. This would reduce the length of time required to provide fill for the site. Construction time and possible disruption would be dealt with by conditions. Noise issues were still being resolved. The Lead Planning Officer would seek to obtain delegated powers to cover this.

·       The access to the site from the junction with the B3233 had been accepted by Devon County Council (DCC) as it met their standards.

·       Some barriers may be in place during construction which may prevent access to the South West Coast Path. This would be at such times that pedestrian safety would be needed to be protected during elements of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35.


Appeals Report pdf icon PDF 122 KB

To consider the Appeals Report (attached).


Additional documents:


The Committee noted a report by the Senior Planning Support Officer   (circulated previously) regarding planning and enforcement appeal decisions received since those reported at the last meeting of the Committee.