Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Contact: Corporate and Community Services  01271 388253

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies were received by Councillors Ley, Fowler, Leaver, Prowse and Yabsley.


Declaration of Interests

(Please complete the form provided at the meeting or telephone the Corporate and Community Services Team to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting.  Items must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary)




There were no declarations of interest announced.


70366: Proposed improvements to leisure facilities together with woodland planting, landscaping and the erection of 107 holiday cottages and associated infrastructure works at Willingcott Holiday Village, Bradwell Road, Woolacombe, EX34 7HN. pdf icon PDF 261 KB

Report by the Head of Place (attached).



Additional documents:


Also present:

Mr D. Royden, Applicant

Mr J. Woodward, Agent

Councillor D. Barron, Chair of Mortehoe Parish Council

Mrs S. Hocking, Mortehoe Parish Council Clerk


The Committee received the following statement from the Corporate and Community Admin Assistant:


“Any observations which are made during the course of this site visit by Members of the Planning Committee are limited to those issues identified by the Head of Place in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee and the Ward Member of Members of the area where the application site is located, as set out in Part 3, Annexe 2 of the North Devon District constitution.


Such observations are made after viewing the site and on the basis of the limited information available on site.


Any such observations are not, nor should they be taken as an indication that the application is acceptable or unacceptable. A full presentation and consideration of all the planning issues will be made when the matter was determined by the Planning Committee.”


The Members of the Committee convened in the Car Park of the site.


The Lead Planning Officer briefly outlined the application (circulated previously), he outlined the Location Plan and the existing development of the site, explaining that the older development of the site had been granted Planning Permission in the 1970s and that the new developments of the site had been granted Planning Permission in the 1980s after an appeal decision. There were currently 73 buildings on site. A further 10 were planned but were never built, and the site had been owned by several different owners since.


The Planning Committee noted:


·         The Golf Course and the Amenity Building were authorised to be open to use by members of the public.

·         That the main access to the site would be the main entrance and that the other means of access on Bradwell Road would be closed.

·         That there was a proposal to convert the amenity building into a restaurant.

·         The proposed locations of the play areas and the play barn that would be built, all of which would be open to use by residents of the site only.

·         That the proposal for the site was for 107 Holiday Homes.

·         Part of the proposal for the site included the planting of woodland around the site. The development would be split up into seven phases over the course of 3-5 years around the site, starting at the south side of the site and move around to the area near Bradwell Road. In response to a question, it was noted that the tree planting would not cover the higher areas around the golf course extension to the site.

·         It was proposed that there would be six different types of lodges, and that the details of the lodges included Larch finishes, Timber cladding, pitched roofs and were all single story. The Lead Planning Officer further outlined these plans by outlining to members of the Planning Committee the proposed skyline and the impact.

·         The Environmental Health Officer of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.


70438: Erection of a Dwelling at Sunnyside House, Sunnyside Road, Woolacombe, Devon, EX34 7DG. pdf icon PDF 969 KB

Report by the Head of Place (attached).



Additional documents:


Also present:

Mr J. Smith, Applicant

Mrs J. Smith, Applicant

Mr J. Woodward, Agent

Councillor D. Barron, Chair of Mortehoe Parish Council

Mrs S. Hocking, Mortehoe Parish Council Clerk


The Committee received the following statement from the Corporate and Community Admin Assistant:


“Any observations which are made during the course of this site visit by Members of the Planning Committee are limited to those issues identified by the Head of Place in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee and the Ward Member of Members of the area where the application site is located, as set out in Part 3, Annexe 2 of the North Devon District constitution.


Such observations are made after viewing the site and on the basis of the limited information available on site.


Any such observations are not, nor should they be taken as an indication that the application is acceptable or unacceptable. A full presentation and consideration of all the planning issues will be made when the matter was determined by the Planning Committee.”


The Members of the Committee convened at the Car Park at the back of the Site.


The Senior Planning Officer outlined the application (circulated previously) and location plan.


The Committee:


·         Walked onto the site via the main access, stopping halfway down to note the adjoining properties, particularly that of Sunnyside House and the adjoining decking.

·         Noted the section of the garden that was owned by the Applicants.

·         Noted the boundaries of the property.

·         Noted Plan 2 of the application which referred to the location/size of the proposed dwelling.

·         Observed ownership of the land around the site.

·         Noted Plans 4 and 5 which referred to the elevation and the floor plans of the proposed application.

·         Observed the area on the higher level on the property.

·         Noted that the maximum height of the property was 6.2m, and would have a primarily green roof on the main building with a glazed roof on the extension. The committee also noted that it would have timber cladding and stonework and render finish.

·         Noted that the fence line of the property was within ownership of the applicants.

·         Noted the main access would provide access for 2 vehicles.

·         Noted the distance between the proposed corner of the property and the corner of the nearest property, which was Oceanpoint, was 9.3m, and 10.4m between the proposed property and Sandy Lane Apartments.

·         Noted that the Conservation Area was east of the Property Boundaries and raised the concerns given by the North Devon Council Conservation Officer.

·         Viewed the site from the decking of Sunnyside House.

·         Noted the section of the decking that would be removed and what would remain.

·         Noted as a point of reference from the Agent that the roof of Oceanpoint was level with the decking of Sunnyside House, and that the maximum height of the property would be approximately a foot lower than the decking.

·         Viewed the rear access to the property from Oceanpoint View and Sandy Lane.

·         Noted that in a response to concerns raised  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42.