Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Meeting to commence 10.00 am on site: West Yelland: Field entrance on B3233

Contact: Corporate and Community Services  01271 388253

Note: Members of the Public are only allowed on the site with the permission of the owner. As this is a formal meeting, we ask that Members of the Public do not approach the Committee Members or Officers for the duration of the site visit. Please note that a full presentation and consideration of the planning issues will be made when the matter is determined at a future Planning Committee. If you have any questions please contact Corporate and Community Services on 01271 388253 or email 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Fowler, Leaver, Mack, Mackie, D Spear, L Spear, Tucker and Yabsley.



Declaration of Interests

(Please complete the form provided at the meeting or telephone the Corporate and Community Services Team to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting.  Items must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary)




There were no declarations of interest announced.



74943: Land at Yelland Road, Fremington pdf icon PDF 363 KB

Outline application for erection of residential development for 80 dwellings with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale). Report by the Lead Planning Officer (South) (attached).


Additional documents:


The Lead Officer (South) identified:


·         The outline of the plot on the map, and the physical boundary at the site

·         The location of the public open space. This was situated beyond the site towards the river/estuary.

·         The location of the proposed new site access.

·         The location of the neighbouring holiday lets.


The Lead Officer (South) advised the Committee that:


·         There would only be one vehicular access route to the site.

·         The current access would be closed off.

·         A Section 106 agreement would be included in the full application; detailing the requirement for the open space to be kept open for the public in perpetuity.

·         The farmhouse across from the site, on the other side of the B3233, was a listed building.  This application was noted as having ‘less than substantial harm’ to that dwelling.

·         There would be no access from the proposed site to the Tarka trail.


In response to questions from the Committee, and Ward Member, the Lead Officer (South) advised:


·         The 73 responses to the application from the public would be covered within the main report for Committee.

·         There had been no objections from Devon County Council Highways.

·         The maximum height was 2.5 storeys, however this would be covered under reserve matters.


The Committee viewed:


·         The neighbouring land from the gate in the North East corner of the site; looking towards the estuary.

·         The field to the north of the site.

·         The viewpoint toward Dunelin Drive

·         The location of the proposed access from the site on to the B3233. This was opposite the rear of the bungalows along Ballards Crescent.

·         The pedestrian access to the neighbouring site (Barratt David Wilson Homes) from the B3233. It was noted that site had direct access to the open space and Tarka trail beyond.