Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: at 18 St Andrews Road, Fremington, and Old Bideford Road, Barnstaple.

Contact: Corporate and Community Services  01271 388253

Note: Members of the Public are only allowed on the site with the permission of the owner. As this is a formal meeting, we ask that Members of the Public do not approach the Committee Members or Officers for the duration of the site visit. Please note that a full presentation and consideration of the planning issues will be made when the matter is determined at a future Planning Committee. If you have any questions please contact Corporate and Community Services on 01271 388253 or email Attendees are respectfully asked to avoid parking in St Andrews Road or St Peters Road and use public parking facilities marked ‘Parking’ on the attached plan. 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Chesters, Davies and Fowler.



Declaration of Interests

(Please complete the form provided at the meeting or telephone the Corporate and Community Services Team to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting.  Items must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary)




The following declarations of interest were announced:


Councillor Leaver

Planning application 66229: Personal interest as a Devon County Councillor.


Councillor Yabsley

Planning application 66229: Personal interest as a Devon County Councillor.




73875: Land North of St Andrews Road, Fremington, pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Outline application for the erection of up to 161 residential dwellings, involving the demolition of an existing dwelling (no.18 St Andrews Road) to create a new access onto St Andrews Road, and associated landscaping and open space with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale). (amended plans).


The Lead Officer (South) advised the Committee that the application had been called in to Committee to consider the amenities and highways issues.


Councillor Leaver arrived at 10.05am


The Lead Officer (South) identified number 18 St Andrews Road, as the dwelling to be demolished to create the access road to the proposed development.


The Lead Officer (South) advised the Committee that:


·       there was the potential to erect acoustic fencing of a height of two metres to the boundary either side of no.18

·       The fence lines were highlighted in red on the plan.

·       Devon County Highways had no objection to the plan for the access / junction.

·       St Andrews Road was 5.1m wide and the proposed access road was 5.5m.


The Committee viewed the boundaries at either side of no.18 St Andrews Road.


The resident of 19 St Andrews Road (property adjacent no.18) advised the Committee that the windows at the front of her property were a sitting room and bedroom.


Resident of no. 20 confirm the uses of side windows in their property as serving a lounge and bedroom, and No.16 has a conservatory which they largely live in.


The Lead Officer (South) advised that these were classed as ‘Habitable rooms’ and were covered by amenity considerations for ambient lighting levels.


In response to questions from the Committee, and Ward Member, the Lead Officer (South) advised:


·       The height of a permitted boundary fence at the front of a property would be checked.

·       The height when bordering a highway could be affected depending on the visibility.

·       The width of the public footpath would be covered at Committee.

·       The site could not been seen from the Tarka Trail.  Photographs of the site from a wider range of views would be presented at Committee.

·       The agricultural grade of the land was 3B and 4.


The Committee viewed the access to the site from the existing entrance in St Andrews Road.


·       This location would be the pedestrian and cycle access only.

·       Councillors entered the site, up to the point at which the crops were planted. They were shown the direction of Church Farm, the boundary of the site, the direction of Chilpark, and the direction of the football pitch.


The Ward Member advised that the changing room facilities for the pitch would be those on the former Army camp site.


Cllr Jenkins sought clarification over the distance to the playing pitch from the changing facilities. Lead Officer advised this would be measured and provided at committee.


Cllr Prowse left the meeting at 10.45am


The Committee viewed the proposed informal pedestrian access to the site from Barracks Road which passed Church Farm.


The Lead Officer (South) advised that this would be an un-promoted access for pedestrians, creating a right of way.


Cllr Gubb left the meeting at 10.56am


The Committee viewed the road at the end of the access route to Church Park. This was partially owned by BDW Ltd.  A yellow line had been drawn on the ground by the owners of Church  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23.


Adjournment of Meeting


RESOLVED that it being 11.09 a.m. the meeting be adjourned and reconvene at 12.00 noon at the location of the second site.



66229: Land off Bideford Road, Roundswell pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Outline Application For Residential Development & Extra Care Housing (Up To 41 Residential Units (C3 Use) an Up To 63 Sheltered/Extra Care Housing Flats) (With Some Matters Reserved) (Amended Indicative layout plan, amended ground floor plan and site plan and first and second floor for extra care housing and additional information, amended description) (Amended Flood Risk Assessment and plan).


Additional documents:


Councillor Gubb re-joined the meeting.


The Senior Planning Officer advised the Committee:


·       The application was for outline permission for access to the site. It was only access that was being fixed at this stage.  This consisted of two separate access points – Old Bideford Road and Old Torrington Road.

·       There would be no vehicular access on the site itself between the proposed residential and extra care housing.  There would be only be pedestrian and cycleway access through the site.


The Committee continued on to the site through a pathway in the wooded area which was just past Birch Lane. This was the route of the proposed vehicular access to Site ‘A’ as shown on the parameters plan.  Due to access and conditions of the path, Councillors Gubb, D Spear and L Spear remained at the roadside.


Once on the site, the Senior Planning Officer identified:


·       The wooded area which bordered the industrial area to the south of the site.

The areas to the south and west of the site where the existing trees would be retained and where there would be 10m wide wildlife corridors as shown on the parameters plan.


In answer to questions from the Committee, the Senior Planning Officer advised:


·       An arboriculture report has been submitted with the application. There would be a requirement for some trees to be felled.  A LEMP would be conditioned on the grant of approval which would need to be submitted at the reserved matters stage.

·       The layout and design of the site would be part of the reserve matters stage although a connection of the footpath/cycleway to the Larkbear site, across Old Torrington Toad, would be sought.

·       Highways had no concerns regarding the proposed accesses.


Councillor Gubb left the meeting 12:30pm


Councillors D Spear and L Spear re-joined the group.


The Councillors continued along Grange Avenue and stopped near no.13 and the Senior Planning Officer advised that the trees seen at the rear of the property formed the boundary along this side.  The Senior Planning Officer commented that whilst street scene elevations/sections had been submitted they were for illustrative purposes only.


The Councillors continued along Old Torrington Road where they were advised of the second vehicular access (to ‘Site B’ as shown on the parameters plan), then stopped opposite the junction to the Larkbear development, along Riverton Road. They were advised this was an allocated site in the North Devon and Torridge Local Plan for 820 dwellings. The Councillors noted the location of the existing bus gate. The Senior Planning Officer advised of the HATOC decision to move the bus gate onto Old Torrington Road.  The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that since the resolution of HATOC to approve the arrangements for the Bus Gate and its restrictions DCCHW had been asked for revised comments.  DCCHW had confirmed they still had no objections. 


The Councillors continued along Gratton Way where the Senior Planning Officer advised that the site would follow the route of the tree line to the rear of the industrial  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.