Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Barnstaple Rugby Club Main Room - Barnstaple Rugby Club. View directions

Contact: Corporate and Community Services  01271 388253

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Bonds and Councillor Edmunds.  Councillor Mackie was appointed as a substitute for Councillor Edmunds.


To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 13th February 2019 pdf icon PDF 204 KB


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 13th February 2019 (circulated previously) be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Items brought forward which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered by the meeting as a matter of urgency


(a) Special Planning Committee: 17th April 2019


The Chairman advised that following the decision by the Committee at its meeting on 13th February 2019, a special meeting of the Committee had been arranged on Wednesday 17th April 2019 at 10.00 a.m. to consider planning application 63167 Lee Bay Hotel, Lee.


Declaration of Interests

(Please complete the form provided at the meeting or telephone the Corporate and Community Services Team to prepare a form for your signature before the meeting.  Items must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary)




The following declaration of interest was announced:


Councillor Worden

Planning applications 64059 to 64063 – personal interest as he knew some of the objectors.




64059 to 64063: Oaklands Poultry Farm, East Anstey, EX36 3PH pdf icon PDF 2 MB

64059: Retrospective application for siting of four concrete pads & erection of two mobile poultry houses with two feed silos (pads 1 – 4), Oaklands Poultry Farm (PT Hillands), East Anstey, EX36 3PH.


64060: Retrospective Application for siting of four concrete pads & erection of two mobile poultry houses with two feed silos (pads 5 – 8).


64061: Retrospective Application for siting of four concrete pads & erection of two mobile poultry houses with two feed silos (pads 9 – 12).


64062: Retrospective Application for siting of four concrete pads & erection of two mobile poultry houses with two feed silos (pads 13 – 16).


64063: Retrospective Application for siting of four concrete pads & erection of two mobile poultry houses with two feed silos (pads 17 – 20).


The Committee considered a report by the Head of Place (circulated previously – now appended).


The Senior Planning Officer reminded the Committee of the decision of deferral and the reasons made at its meeting on 14th November 2018.  A full copy of the minutes was tabled.  In relation to the site being located within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Impact Risk Zone, the agent had submitted an air quality report and this had been forwarded to Natural England for comment.   Since publication of the report, Natural England had confirmed that it would trigger the 4% threshold as it could impact on the Culm Grassland Special Area of Conservation (SAC)/Exmoor Heaths SAC.  Therefore, the Planning Authority would be required to carry out a Habitats Regulation Assessment.  If the Committee was minded to approve the application, it would be recommended that the approval be subject to the Head of Place being delegated authority to carry out a Habitats Regulation Assessment to the satisfaction of Natural England. 


Councillor Barber (East Anstey Parish Council), Helen Pierce (objector), Iain Bew (objector), Lucy Moore (objector), Heather Warne (objector), Reg Howe (objector) and Kevin Bateman (agent) addressed the Committee.


In responses to questions, the Senior Planning Officer confirmed that the planning applications had been registered on 6th November 2017.  They were retrospective applications and that the concrete pads, poultry houses and feed silos had been located on the site since before that date.  As the applications had been submitted to regularise the works, enforcement action had not been pursued.


In response to questions, Lionel Shelly, Development Viability Lead from Plymouth City Council who had been appointed to provide an independent viability review on the impact of the siting of the poultry units on the potential ability of the four open market dwellings to be delivered and sold on the open market (the profits from which would go towards subsidising the 8 affordable units on the site) addressed the Committee.  He advised the Committee of his background and that he had grown up and lived in the countryside and therefore had an understanding of the countryside.  He had undertaken the role for 40 years.  He was required to provide a review and not a full evaluation. He referred to the valuation reports that had been provided by Webbers estate agents and advised that the impact was minimal.  Consideration needed to be given to whether four open market dwellings could be sold.  The impact on profit made upon the sale of the open market dwellings was minimal, therefore money would be available for the provision of affordable housing.  As an ex Vice-Chairman of a Parish Council, he understood the issue of providing affordable housing.  He worked for Plymouth City Council and not on behalf of developers.  Part of his role was to press for the provision of affordable housing.  His opinion had been based on the ability for the developer to make a profit on the four open market dwellings which could then  ...  view the full minutes text for item 86.


Adjournment of meeting


RESOLVED that the meeting be adjourned to enable a five minute comfort break.


RESOLVED that the meeting be re-convened to consider the remaining business.



64769: The Watergate, 7 The Strand, Barnstaple, EX31 1EU pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Change of use of land to create a Beer Garden, The Watergate, 7 The Strand, Barnstaple, EX31 1EU.


The Committee considered a report by the Head of Place (circulated previously – now appended).


The Senior Planning Officer reported the receipt of an amended plan since the publication of the report.  The amended plan omitted the fencing, reduced the number of tables from 84 to 81 and removed the sails, bandstand and lighting.  Following the receipt of the amended plans, it was now recommended that reason 2 in relation to lighting only be removed.  The proposal was on Council land and it was his understanding that the applicant would lease the land from the Council for a period of 15 years.


Vanessa Harrison (on behalf of Economic Development, North Devon Council), Kirsty Bowie (Sharing One Language - objector), Christopher Punt (objector), Catherine Marlow (Historic England - objector), John White (Chair of Barnstaple Carnival Committee – objector) and Graham Townsend (Barnstaple Bridge Trust – objector) addressed the Committee.


Councillor Barker (Portfolio Holder for Regeneration) addressed the Committee.


Councillor Chesters advised that as well as requiring planning permission the proposed beer garden would also require a premises licence.  She confirmed that she was Chair of the Licensing Committee. However, she had attended this meeting in her capacity as Member of the Planning Committee and had not previously considered the proposal in her role as Chair of the Licensing Committee.


Councillors Lane and Yabsley declared personal interests as Members of the Executive.


RESOLVED (10 for, 3 against and 0 abstained) that the application be DEFERRED pending further negotiations to be undertaken with the applicant to seek a reduction in the scale of the scheme and to take into account the needs of the users of buildings located around the site.



66037: 2 Butchers Row, Barnstaple, EX31 1BW pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Listed building consent for installation of single glazed glass to front arches, 2 Butchers Row, Barnstaple, EX31 1BW.


The Committee considered a report by the Head of Place (circulated previously – now appended).


The Senior Planning Officer reported that since the publication of the report, Barnstaple Town Council had recommended approval of the application.


RESOLVED (unanimous) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Head of Place.