Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Crematorium Meeting Room - North Devon Crematorium. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Davis, Inch and Walker.



To approve the correct record of the minutes of the meeting held on 6 August 2021 pdf icon PDF 283 KB



(i)       RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 6th August 2021 (previously circulated) be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


(ii)       Matters Arising. There were no matters arising.



Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest declared.


Crematorium Matters pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Report by Crematorium Manager (attached).

Additional documents:


The Joint Committee considered a report by the Crematorium Manager (previously circulated).


i)        Covid Crisis Update


It was noted:


That the Aspen Vestry had been re-opened and providing changing facilities without access to staff only areas. Singing was now permitted and the waiting rooms re-opened. Services of more than 200 people were now permitted by allowing Aspen to be used (if booked) as an overflow.


The national and local situation would be closely monitored to establish whether any changes in restrictions (increase or relax) were appropriate.


ii)        Achievements


It was noted:


That several of North Devon District Council meetings had taken place in the

Rowan Chapel with webcasting to enable remote public access. This had proven very successful. The sound system was also looking to be improved to attract other users.


iii)       Staffing


It was noted:


That the part-time bereavement administrator post had been filled and the new staff member started on 11th October.

The lead gardener had resumed on a part-time basis. In light of the seasonal demands there was sufficient cover and the situation would be reviewed in the coming months.


iv)       Metals Recycling Charity Award


It was noted:


That Over and Above (Cancer & Wellbeing Centre) had been proposed for the next award (due December 2021).


Subsequent nomination list:


Families in Grief

North Devon Children’s Holiday Foundation

North Devon Hospice


Children’s Hospice SW

Over and Above (North Devon Hospital – Maternity Unit Bereavement Suite)


Calvert Trust

Over and Above (Cancer & Wellbeing Centre)


That no further additions to be considered prior to February 2022.


Councillor Lovering stated that the Maternity Unit Bereavement Suite had now been delivered and suggested that subsequent funding could be used for the provision of Bereavement Memorial boxes instead.



v)       Crematorium Figures


The Cremation figures were noted and the Cremation figure for October 2021 was 119.


vi)       Garden Improvements


It was noted:


That the Rowan exit sails work had commenced on 24th August with the installation of the concrete pads. The steel supports would be installed shortly and at that point the sails would be ordered.


vii)      Larkbear Development – Traffic Management


It was noted that the Crematorium Manager had written to the Highways Department of Devon County Council on 16th September (copy previously circulated) seeking involvement in the implementation phase as requested by the Joint Committee. To date no formal response had been received.


The Crematorium Manager reported that he had received notification the next Highways and Traffic Orders Committee (HATOC) meeting was on 22nd November 2021 and the further comments of the Joint Committee would be added to the Committee report.


It was suggested that the Crematorium Manager should attend the HATOC meeting.



Performance Monitoring Quarter 2 2021 to 2022 pdf icon PDF 132 KB

Report by Treasurer (attached).


The Joint Committee considered and noted a report by the Treasurer (previously circulated) regarding the performance for Quarter 2 April to September 2021/2022.


It was suggested that if the projected return did materialise a further option to fund the deficit could be to reduce the distribution of funds to the two authorities.



To note that the next Crematorium Joint Committee meeting will be on Friday 4 February 2022 at 2.30 p.m.


It was noted that the next meeting would be on Friday 4th February 2022 at

2.30 p.m.


The following dates of meetings for 2022/23 were agreed:


10th June 2022

5th August 2022

4th November 2022

3rd February 2023