Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Barum Room - Brynsworthy. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bonds, Chesters and White.


To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 18th September 2018 (attached). pdf icon PDF 108 KB


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 18th September 2018 (circulated previously) be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interests.

(Please telephone the Corporate and Community Services team to prepare a form for your signature before the meeitng. Interests must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary).


The following declaration of interest was announced:


Councillor Worden


All items – Personal interest as his son was a detective for Devon and Cornwall Police.



Review of Performance of the Community Safety Partnership.

Presentation by Service Lead - Community Safety Partnership Officer/Harm Risk and Superintendent Toby Davies LPA Commander North and West Devon.


The Crime and Disorder Sub Committee received a presentation from the Community Protection Officer on the review of performance of the Community Safety Partnership 2018/19 and its future plans for 2019/20.  The following points were covered:



A new analytical tool was being used to prioritise and rank threats.  This was known as Management of Risk in Law Enforcement (MoRiLE).


An item that was local could be pertinent and flagged up.  The amount of prioritisation a threat was given was based on Devon wide information.


There would be a bitesize briefing in the coming week around the risk of cyber fraud.  This session would provide upskilling knowledge which could then be filtered back to local communities at Parish level.


The issue of alcohol misuse was not limited to anti-social behaviour on the street but included middle class families where parents drank too much during the week.


The percentage number of domestic abuse figures were particularly high for North Devon as opposed to the whole Devon area.  This higher prevalence in numbers suggested the public had the confidence to report incidents and could be seen as a positive thing.


There was a need for an elected Member to sit on the new Forum that was being set up to discuss Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence.


There was evidence to suggest that beggars were travelling from out of the area to Barnstaple.


The Crime and Disorder Sub-Committee received a presentation from Sergeant Noel Bourke entitled “Homeless/Street entrenched”.  The following points were presented:



The Partnership were working to get the message across that rough sleeping was a social problem not a criminal one.  The safe sleep provision at The Freedom Centre was available.


There were better ways for members of the public to help the homeless by donating cash to a registered charity who helped work with the homeless as opposed to giving cash to the person on the street.


It was more common place for the outdated Vagrancy Act (1824) not to be used. The more recent Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2014, (updated December 2017) was being used instead


Police Officers along with NDC employees, accredited to take alcohol from individuals, had spent the last four weeks in the town talking to people and businesses gathering information on concerns and ‘hotspots’.


The Barnstaple Town Centre Manager was in agreement with displaying adverts in vacant shop windows and getting stall holders to report any activity.


The Chairman suggested that the Chamber of Commerce were approached as businesses were affected by anti-social behaviour.


In response to a question about attending CSP meetings Sergeant Bourke advised Members to contact him and he would ensure they were able to attend.


In response to a question on whether purchasing none-perishable goods to give to the homeless was possible Sergeant Bourke advised that this had caused issues whereby the person receiving such goods then returned them to the store demanding a cash refund, it was not advisable to give none-perishable goods.


In response to a concern raised about  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Community Safety Partnership (CSP) North Devon and Torridge priorities for 2019/20. pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Presentation by Service Lead - Community Safety Partnership Officer/Harm

Risk and Superintendent Toby Davies LPA Commander North and West

Devon. Devon Strategic Assessment of Crime and Disorder 2018 (attached).




The Crime and Disorder sub-committee considered the Community Safety Partnership North Devon and Torridge priorities for 2019/20 report, (circulated previously), by the Community Protection Officer.


The following updates were given:


Road Safety



An advertising project was planned using the backs of Lorries from a local lorry transporter firm to be painted with road safety messages it was anticipated this would begin in three months’ time.


The same messages were to be painted onto the backs of buses and this would happen sooner than the lorry campaign.


A local charity was to begin working with local driving school instructors to incorporate safe driving messages into their lessons.  There would be an accreditation scheme.


In response to a question about the number of deaths there had been on the link road the Community Protection Officer advised he didn’t know that information but that nationally it was not considered high.