Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Bideford Town Hall - Bideford. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Biederman, Cann, Gubb, Orange and D Spear.


To note the minutes of the meeting held on 12th February 2019 (attached). pdf icon PDF 211 KB


RECOMMENDED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12th February 2019 be noted.


Declarations of Interests.

(Please telephone the Corporate and Community Services team to prepare a form for your signature before the meeitng. Interests must be re-declared when the item is called, and Councillors must leave the room if necessary).


There were no declarations of interests made.


North Devon and Torridge District Council Community Safety Partnership Update pdf icon PDF 146 KB

Report by the Environmental Health and Community Safety Manager, Torridge District Council (attached).


Chairman of the Community Safety Partnership gave the Committee a summary of the North Devon and Torridge District Council Community Safety Partnership Update report (circulated previously) as follows:


·         The next annual review to set priorities for the Community Safety Partnership to focus on was to be held in January 2020 and elected Members were welcome to attend

·         The Devon Strategic assessment was still outstanding but this would give the top 10 priorities for Devon and be a basis to work on in January 2020

·         Funding for the partnership came from the Police Crime Commissioner’s Office and as such it was hoped that priorities would be aligned with their Office

·         Every two to three months Partner Leads met to discuss priorities

·         Within the two Local Authorities regular meetings took place

·         The North Devon area is one of the safest areas to live nationally, it is thought that this is down to the hard working partnership

·         Community safety not always rated highly enough against other priorities such as road deaths, drug activity and domestic abuse

·         A Community Safety Partnership newsletter had been launched which would provide a twice yearly update on the work achieved by the Partnership

·         Members were invited to attend Bitesize sessions which were a positive training session provided on topics such as Modern Day Slavery, County Lines and Terrorism

·         The way crime was committed had changed over the last ten to fifteen years

·         Unannounced visits had taken place at businesses implicated with modern day slavery practices and the employment of migrant workers

·         Intensive focus had been made on County Lines building up intelligence which had helped to deter dealers moving into the area as it was unattractive for them to come to the area

·         There had been successful raids made on House’s in Multiple Occupation

·         £100, 000 funding had been secured to help schools deliver the Personal, Social, Health and Economic programme

·         Operation Snap had delivered road safety campaigns successfully, dash cam footage could be uploaded to the Police and used as evidence in road offences, a lorry advertising campaign promoting road safety and driving instructors received training on promoting client messages of road safety

·         Street marshalling had been successful in helping reduce the number of incidents that the Police had to be called to deal with

·         Reminders were to be sent out to Partnership members advising them to attend future meetings

·         Links with One Northern Devon Healthcare meant the CSP were able to look at the causes of people committing crimes, building up a trauma informed knowledge base

·         The priority setting meeting scheduled to take place in January 2020 would comprise of a half- day session looking at areas of concern and the second half of the day would focus on how to tackle these areas of concern


In response to a question about the lateness of bars and clubs opening and what could the Local Authority do Toby Davies replied that there was a lot being done and with the Licensing Officer now in place with the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.