Agenda and minutes
- Attendance details
- Agenda frontsheet
PDF 540 KB
- Agenda reports pack
- Supplementary Document - Item 13(a) Report of the Policy Development Committee
PDF 645 KB
- Supplementary Document - Item 14(a) Report of the Policy Development Committee
PDF 608 KB
- Supplementary Document - Item 23(e) Policy Development Committee minutes
PDF 765 KB
- Item 12 - Supplementary document
PDF 795 KB
- Printed minutes
PDF 386 KB
Venue: G107, 1st Floor, South West Institute Development Building, Petroc, Barnstaple - Petroc College. View directions
Contact: Corporate and Community Services 01271 388253
Note: For meetings held at Petroc College, you can join the meeting virtually via Microsoft Teams. There are also limited spaces to attend the meeting in person. If you would like to join the meeting virtually or in person please contact Corporate and Community Services by 12pm 2 working days prior to the meeting by telephone 01271 388253 or email All meetings are recorded and uploaded to the Council’s YouTube channel . If you attend virtually, please be aware that your phone number and/or your email address will be visible to councillors and officers of North Devon Council attending the committee but will not be visible to members of the public. This is required to allow you to be identified on Microsoft Teams, software used by the Council to hold virtual meetings, and will not be used for any other purpose by the Council. For more information, or to exercise your rights, visit
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Biederman, Cann, Jusef, D. Knight, Lane, Lovering, Topps and Whitehead. |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings held on 15th March and 18th May 2023 (circulated previously) be approved as correct records and signed by the Chair. |
Business brought forward by or with the consent of the Chair Minutes: RESOLVED, that item 15 be considered before item 10 on the agenda. |
Replies to any questions submitted by the Public and/or to receive Petitions under Part 4, Council Procedures Rules, Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Constitution Minutes: There were no questions submitted by the public and/or petitions received under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Constitution. |
To consider motions of which notice has been submitted by Members in accordance with Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution (a) To consider the following notice of motion received from Councillor Walker
“Recycling centre changes and adverse effect on public and NDC waste and recycling services.
This Council notes recent changes at the Devon County Council provided waste and recycling centres that includes any sign written vehicle being classed as commercial. Many people only have one vehicle that is sign written for their business but also their private vehicle. If people are turned away from the recycling centre or not given the same access as private vehicle drivers their waste will end up in their black bin, which not only means that items that could be recycled end up in landfill, but unsuitable waste that may damage our waste and recycling vehicles is being placed in black bins. This could also lead to an increase in fly tipping.
This Council asks we write to Devon County Council to ask for this policy to be reversed and brings in the Government’s frequent suggestion that DIY waste be accepted at no cost for householders.” Minutes: (a) Council considered the following notice of motion from Councillor Walker.
Councillor Walker presented her notice of motion to Council:
“Recycling centre changes and adverse effect on public and NDC waste and recycling services.
This Council notes recent changes at the Devon County Council provided waste and recycling centres that includes any sign written vehicle being classed as commercial. Many people only have one vehicle that is sign written for their business but also their private vehicle. If people are turned away from the recycling centre or not given the same access as private vehicle drivers their waste will end up in their black bin, which not only means that items that could be recycled end up in landfill, but unsuitable waste that may damage our waste and recycling vehicles is being placed in black bins. This could also lead to an increase in fly tipping.
This Council asks we write to Devon County Council to ask for:
1. This policy to be reversed and brings in the Government’s frequent suggestion that DIY waste be accepted at no cost for householders.”
It was moved by Councillor Walker and seconded by Councillor Bell “that the notice of motion be adopted.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Bushell and seconded by Councillor Denton “that the Council made a representation to Devon County Council to request that the legal declaration form be reinstated”.
Members voted on the amendment, which was carried.
Two Members abstained from voting.
RESOLVED that the Council:
1. Request that the policy be reversed and brings in the Government’s frequent suggestion that DIY waste be accepted at no cost for householders. 2. Made a representation to Devon County Council to request that the legal declaration form be reinstated.
Four Members abstained from voting.
Councillors C. Leaver, Maskell and Roome other registrable interests as members of Devon County Council. |
Declarations of Interest (NB. Members only need to re-declare any interests previously declared at Committee and Sub-Committee meetings if the item is discussed at Council).
Minutes: There following declarations of interest were received:
Councillor Patrinos declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in item 15 on the agenda as the owner of a private water supply.
Councillor Prowse declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in item 15 on the agenda as the owner of a private water supply. |
Chair's replies to any questions to Council by Members submitted under Part 4, Council Procedures Rules, Paragraph 10 of the Constitution Minutes: There were no questions received by Members submitted under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 10 of the Constitution. |
Private Water Supplies Fees amendment Report by Environmental Health Manager (attached). Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report by the Head of Planning, Housing and Health (circulated previously) regarding the Private Water Supplies Fees amendment.
The Environmental Health Manager advised that the Council had a legal duty to inspect and sample Private Water Supplies in the District to ensure that water was portable and wholesome.
He explained that the Private Water Supplies (England) Regulations 2016 (as amended) provided for Local Authorities to charge up to prescribed limits. Those fees were published on the Council’s website and required revision.
The maximum fees the Council could set were in the Private Water Supplies (England) Regulations 2016 (as amended) and were attached at Appendix A to the report. The current and proposed fees were attached at Appendix B to the report.
He drew Member’s attention to the following points:
· The cost to the customer of the PWS service consisted of an officer visit charge and the actual laboratory costs for sample analysis. The proposed amendments to the published figures simplified the costs for risk assessment and review, laboratory and officer costs. · As the Private Water Supply service had developed, sampling analysis had become bespoke to the individual supply. This was a benefit for the customer as many Local Authorities sample and charge a full bacteria and chemical suite for every supply on every visit. However, North Devon Council carried out targeted sampling, which saved the customer money. · The proposed fees fell within the legislative framework of permitted fees, and provided the flexibility sufficient for NDC to charge the most appropriate fee based on risk assessment and the history of the supply.
It was moved by Councillor Roome and seconded by Councillor Maskell that the recommendation in paragraph 2.1 of the report be approved.
RESOLVED, that the simplified list of fees as set out in Appendix B of the report for Private water Supplies to replace those currently published on the North Devon Council website be approved.
Councillors Patrinos and Prowse declared disclosable pecuniary interests as the owners of a private water supply, left the room and took no part in the discussions there on. |
LPA Commander Police Update Superintendent Toby Davies to report. Minutes: Superintendent Toby Davies introduced himself to the Council and its newly elected Members.
He provided an update in relation to the current projects and interventions that were being delivered by the Devon and Cornwall Police authority and its partners.
He highlighted the following points:
· There were four sectors of the Devon and Cornwall Police authority, which covered the areas of Barnstaple and North Devon. · Various teams within the force and he extended an invitation to any Members who wished to accompany an officer on duty to gain an understanding of the situations that they were facing on a daily basis. · North Devon was one of the safest areas in the country and whilst there were pockets of issues, the crime rate had fallen within the last 12 months. · The police had received a positive response from the public and with a supportive community, which was a key resource to the force. · The 101 service was improving but was very complex. · The public enquiry offices at Barnstaple, Bideford and Ilfracombe were due to re-open. · There had been a positive uplift with recruitment with 600 new officers joining the force over the last three to four years, this was despite the issues that the force had experienced with recruitment in Northern Devon. · The new Chief Constable wanted to invest in more neighbourhood policing, which was significantly reduced 10 years ago through austerity measures. · There was a real push for the neighbourhood role to ensure issues such as antisocial behaviour and the perception of public safety were addressed. · The town centres of Ilfracombe, Barnstaple and South Molton had seen increase in antisocial behaviour prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and there was a desire to work with these communities to address the issues. · The Force had received Safer Streets funding from the Home Office for the Barnstaple area, which had enabled the provision of additional lighting, street marshalls and support to the Community Safety Hub. As a result there had been a 30% reduction in antisocial behaviour together with a 20% reduction in crime, which had had a lasting impact within the area. An evaluation of the results would be published in September 2023. · The Force was working to put teams of officers in some areas to speak to the public and have a visible presence within the local communities. · If there were persistent problems in a particular area, it was important that the public reported these to 101 to ensure that an evidence base could be developed. · Contact details for the officers which covered each ward would be circulated to the Members to ensure that a dialogue was established for reporting problems within a particular area.
In response to a number of questions, Superintendent Davies advised the following:
· Members were welcome to visit the main police station in Barnstaple and join officers on a pre-arranged drive along to observe the situations that officers were regularly facing. · The decision to re-introduce public enquiry desks at police stations within local towns was taken by the ... view the full minutes text for item 21. |
Order of Agenda Minutes: RESOLVED, that item 17 on the agenda be considered prior to item 11 to ensure that the officer’s time was not taken up unnecessarily. |
Braunton Neighbourhood Plan Report by Senior Planning Officer (attached). Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report by the Senior Planning Policy Officer (circulated previously) regarding the Braunton Neighbourhood Plan.
The Senior Planning Policy Officer advised that Braunton Parish Council, as a Qualifying Body, had prepared a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish of Braunton. The draft Neighbourhood Plan was recently subject to examination and the Council was now required to formally consider the next steps.
She added that the report sought approval to modify the submission version of the Braunton Neighbourhood Plan in accordance with the recommendations of an independent examiner, and then to proceed to a local referendum that would determine if the Neighbourhood Plan should be “made” (adopted). If “made”, the Neighbourhood Plan would form part of the Council’s statutory development plan and be used alongside the North Devon and Torridge Local Plan (2011-2031) in determining planning applications in the parish of Braunton.
She drew Member’s attention to the following points:
· Neighbourhood planning was a statutory planning document and formed part of the development plan. · When adopted, the plan would carry equal weight to the non-strategic policies contained within the Local Plan. · The decision to write a neighbourhood plan was at the discretion of the Parish Council and when preparing it there were set procedures that needed to be followed, which included:
Ø Designating a neighbourhood planning area upon the request of the Parish Council. Ø The Parish Council was required to undertake community engagement and to draft the document which included various policies. Ø Public consultation then had to take place followed by an examination by an independent examiner, which would then be followed by a referendum and adoption of the neighbourhood plan by the local authority.
· Braunton Neighbourhood plan had reached the end of the examination stage and the examiner’s report was received on 6th July 2023 (Appendix 1). · The Council now had to decide whether to accept the recommendations prior to a referendum within the parish of Braunton. · Braunton Parish Council commenced work on the Neighbourhood Plan in 2016 when they designated their parish as a neighbourhood planning area. · Prior to drafting their policies, the Parish Council undertook a significant amount of engagement with the local community then undertook formal consultation on the draft plan in 2022. · Following the consultation, the Parish Council consider the responses and made changes to plan as necessary prior to formal submission to North Devon Council. · At that stage a further consultation was undertaken before it was sent to a neighbourhood planning examiner. The policies that were contained within the plan were at the discretion of the neighbourhood planning group when deciding which areas that they wanted to focus on. · Braunton had 43 policies within their neighbourhood plan on a range of matters. · Paragraphs 4.7 and 4.8 of the report set out what the examiner was required to consider and the report was attached at appendix A. · The examiner had concluded that there were some modifications to ensure that the neighbourhood plan met basic conditions.
She added that the examiner commented that ... view the full minutes text for item 23. |
Report of the Leader of the Council Report by Leader of the Council (attached). Minutes: Council considered and noted a report by the Leader of the Council (circulated previously) regarding work that had been undertaken since the last Council meeting.
Councillor Worden added that he was pleased to see what the Leader had been involved in following his appointment in May 2023. |
Questions by Members Questions to the Leader or the Chair of a Committee submitted under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, paragraph 10.4 of the Constitution. Minutes: The following questions were submitted in advance of the meeting and responses provided by the Leader were circulated separately:
(a) Question for the Leader from Councillor Bell “Homelessness support in North Devon is some of the best in the country. If we consider the adage that a society is judged on how it treats the poorest (and not the richest) then North Devon should be proud of its achievement. However, funding for homelessness is based largely on a system of grants with the vageries and unpredictability that this system brings. This has meant that there is little opportunity for essential long term planning in this sector. A fairer system would be to have fixed, monitored, funding for homelessness, perhaps with the same "triple-locked" safeguards offered to elders. This is not a request for more money, simply a more sensible approach to funding. I have already written to our MP on this issue. Would the leader kindly agree that NDC should also request a government response to this matter and seek a sensible, long term funding solution?”
Councillor Roome, Leader’s response “Yes, I will send a letter to Government as Leader of the Council requesting a response to this matter.”
Councillor Bell asked the following supplementary question:
“With regard to Devon County Council’s funding issues, would you be prepared to undertake a consultation regarding homelessness if there was a reduction in service if funding was withdrawn by Devon County Council?”
Councillor Walker asked the following supplementary question:
“What were the Council doing to address the shortage of housing within the district?”
Councillor Roome, Leader’s response “Housing was a significant issue locally and the Council was providing gap funding in areas such as Ilfracombe, Woolacombe and Parracombe. The Council was also assisting nine Community Land Trusts to ensure that a workforce was maintained for local businesses and would continue to work with those Trusts to ensure that their important work could continue.
(b) Question for the Leader from Councillor Walker “In the light of recent reports about a refusal of planning consent for just one property in Barnstaple, can the leader tell us how many residential permissions, including flats above shops and conversion of offices to flats, have been given planning consent in the last 5 years?”
Councillor Roome, Leader’s response “We have run a report seeking all Approved Planning Apps within the Local Plan Town Centre Designation. Between 2019 and 2023 we have granted planning permission for 35 units of residential accommodation. On top of this we have a resolution to grant planning permission for 14 more units. There may also be some units allowed under permitted development prior to the regulations changing. The application at the Oak Room (subject to recent media interest) was not refused, the agent withdrew the application in January 2023.”
(c) Question for the Leader from Councillor Orange “In the light of proposals to close Barnstaple station ticket office, are the council planning to respond to GWR on their proposals and the impact of closing ... view the full minutes text for item 25. |
Performance and Financial Management Quarter 4 2022-2023 Report by the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive to the Strategy and Resources Committee on 3 July 2023 (attached). Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered the Performance and Financial Management Quarter 4 report to the Strategy and Resources Committee on 3rd July 2023 (circulated previously).
(a) Report of the PolicyDevelopment Committee
Councillor L. Spear, Chair of the Policy Development Committee presented the Committee’s report on the Performance and Financial Management Quarter 4 of 2022/23 report to the Policy Development Committee on 6th July 2023 (circulated previously).
(b) Report of the meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee
Councillor Roome, Chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee reported the recommendations of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 3rd July 2023 on the Performance and Financial Management Quarter 4 of 2022/23 report (circulated previously).
Councillor Prowse added that he was really pleased with the second half of the report and in particular the recent opening of the Watersport Centre at Ilfracombe and the fantastic work of the team to bring it to fruition.
He had recently emailed the Property Manager to pass on his appreciation to the team. He also expressed his thanks to officers within the Local Plans teams for their hard work and contribution to a recent planning appeal.
It was moved by Councillor Denton and seconded by Councillor Worden “that minute 16 (f) of the report of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 3rd July 2023 regarding the Performance and Financial Management Quarter 4 of 2022/23 report be adopted”.
RESOLVED, that minute 16 (f) of the report of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 3rd July 2023 regarding the Performance and Financial Management Quarter 4 of 2022/23 report be adopted.
Councillor Wilikinson left the meeting. |
Annual Treasury Management Report 2022/23 Report by the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive to the Strategy and Resources Committee on 3 July 2023 (attached). Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered the Annual Treasury Management report for 2022/23 to the Strategy and Resources Committee on 3rd July 2023 (circulated previously).
(a) Report of the Policy DevelopmentCommittee
Councillor L. Spear, Chair of the Policy Development Committee presented the Committee’s report on the Annual Treasury management report for 2022/23 to the Policy Development Committee on 6th July 2023 (circulated previously).
(b) Report of meeting of the Strategy and ResourcesCommittee
Councillor Roome, Chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee reported the recommendations of the Strategy and Resources Committee on the Annual Treasury management report for 2022/23 (circulated previously).
It was moved by Councillor Roome and seconded by Councillor Worden “that minute 17 of the report of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 3rd July 2023 regarding the Annual Treasury Management report for 2023/23 be adopted.”
RESOLVED that minute 17 of the report of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 3rd July 2023 regarding the Annual Treasury Management report for 2022/23 be adopted.
Council passed on their best wishes to Councillor Prowse on his wedding anniversary and to Councillor Wilkinson who was celebrating a very special birthday. |
Statutory Pay Policy 2023 Report by Head of Organisational Development (attached). Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered a report by the Head of Organisational Development (circulated previously) regarding the Statutory Pay Policy 2023.
The Chief Executive advised that the Council’s Statutory Pay Policy, which fell under Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 must be agreed annually by Full Council.
The draft Statutory Pay Policy Statement set out the background to this matter and detailed the Council’s policy which, subject to the agreement of members, would be published on the Council’s web site.
The Appendix to the draft Statutory Pay Policy Statement detailed the remuneration arrangements of the Chief Officers concerned.
He drew the Members attention to paragraph 4.3 of the report, which stated that the Pay multiple of Head of Paid Service to median for 2023 was 3.91 which had reduced from 2022 when it stood at 4.08. The Pay multiple of Head of Paid Service to lowest paid full time employee (Not including Apprentices) for 2023 was 4.78 and had also reduced from 2022 when it stood at 5.07.
He added that pay should be considered when competing with private businesses and other local authorities and the difficulties faced as a rural Council. Every local authority was currently struggling to recruit in key service areas, especially since the pandemic and the ability for people to work remotely but still maintain a higher level salary, it had become even harder to attract potential employees and any pay deal offered needed to be competitive to attract potential employees.
It was moved by Councillor Roome and seconded by Councillor Walker that the Statutory Pay Policy 2023 be approved.
RESOLVED, that the Statutory Pay Policy 2023 as set out in Appendix A be approved.
The Leader thanked the Chief Executive for his report. |
Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) Report by Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive (attached). Minutes: Council considered a report the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive (circulated previously) regarding Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF).
The Chief Executive advised that the Department for Levelling-Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) launched the £500m Local Authority Housing Fund in December 2022. North Devon Council was allocated £1,001,081 of capital grant funding to provide settled and sustainable housing for those unable to secure their own accommodation who were in the country under the Ukraine and Afghan Schemes. The housing could also be used for temporary accommodation before the need arises or once the need had been met.
Members at Strategy and Resources meeting on 6 March 2023, approved the use of the allocated Local Authority Housing Fund of £1,001,081 alongside 60% of capital match-funding from North Devon Council held within the approved Capital Programme.
The report provided an update on the delivery of progress against the Round 1 funding above and also outlined the recently announced Round 2 funding allocations for Members to determine whether to accept and sign up to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with DLUCH for the delivery.
It was moved by Councillor Roome and seconded by Councillor Bushell be that the recommendations set out in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.4 of the report be approved.
(a) That the use of the allocated Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF Round 2) of £552,000 alongside 60% of capital match-funding from North Devon Council as laid out in section 5 of this report be approved;
(b) That the use of a grant award re-allocated to North Devon Council by Devon County Council from the Homes for Ukraine Contingency Funding of £215,200 to support the provision of Local Authority Housing interventions as laid out in section 5 of the report be approved;
(c) That the Head of Property Place and Regeneration be delegated the authority, under the powers in section 1 of the Localism Act 2011, to negotiate and carry out the purchase of properties for accommodation as set out in the report; and
(d) That subject to recommendations 2.1 to 2.3 of the report, Members recommend that Council vary the Capital Programme by £767,200 as detailed and that funds be released, subject to a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department for Levelling-Up, Housing and Communities upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed by the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive and the Senior Solicitor and Monitoring Officer.
Strategic Grant 2023/24 - Ring and Ride and Shopmobility services Report by Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive (attached). Minutes: Council considered a report the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive (circulated previously) regarding the Strategic Grant 2023/24 – Ring and Ride and Shop Mobility Services.
The Head of Governance drew Council’s attention to the following points:
· At its meeting on 22nd February 2023 Council approved an annual strategic grant of £14,720 to Go North Devon for the provision of shopmobility and ring and ride services for North Devon. Only the first half of grant (£7,360) had been paid and the second half of payment was due for payment on 1st October 2023. · The Trustees of Go North Devon at its Board meeting on 10th May 2023 took the decision to dissolve Go North Devon by 30th September 2023 and cease all services by 18th August 2023. · Following the decision, the Manager of Go North Devon had approached North Devon Council, Mid Devon Mobility and Age Concern in Barnstaple regarding the continuation of a ring and ride service in North Devon together with the potential to provide a shopmobility service. · The report set out proposals for the continuation of ring and ride and shopmobility services in North Devon following the dissolution of Go North Devon.
Members expressed their sadness that Go North Devon would be dissolved but agreed that solution presented to them was the best way forward.
The Leader drew Council’s attention to recommendation 2.3 of the report regarding the appointment of a Councillor to Mid Devon Mobility as an Outside Body appointment for the life of Council and recommended for continuity that Councillor York who already represented the Council on Go North Devon be appointed.
Councillor York confirmed that she was happy to accept the appointment and represent the Council.
It was moved by Councillor Patrinos and seconded by Councillor C. Leaver that the recommendations contained within paragraphs 2.1 to 2.3 with the inclusion of the appointment of Councillor York be approved.
(a) That £5,000 of the remaining strategic grant be awarded to Mid Devon Mobility for the provision of a ring and ride service for North Devon for the period from September 2023 to the end of March 2024;
(b) That £2,360 of the remaining strategic grant be awarded to Age Concern Barnstaple and North Devon for the provision of a shopmobility service from September 2023 to the end of March 2024; and
(c) That Councillor York be appointed to Mid Devon Mobility as an outside body appointment for the life of Council and that attendance at meetings be an approved duty.
Councillor Roome declared an other registrable interest as a member of Age Concern. |
Appointment of Honorary Aldermen Report by Chief Executive (attached). Minutes: Council considered a report by the Chief Executive (circulated previously) regarding the appointment of Honorary Alderman.
The Chief Executive advised that Council should decide whether or not it would like to consider appointing Honorary Alderman to the Council. He advised that should Members wish to proceed with any appointments, and Extraordinary meeting of Full Council would need to be held and that the Group Leaders would need to meet to discuss who they wished to appoint.
In response to a question, the Chief Executive advised that former Council employees would not be able to be appointed as the appointment of Honorary Alderman was reserved for former District Councillors only.
It was moved by Councillor C. Leaver and seconded by Councillor Jones that the appointment of Honorary Alderman be made.
(a) That the process involved in any potential appointment be noted; and
(b) That a specially convened extraordinary meeting of Full Council be convened to appoint any former members of the Council as Honorary Aldermen. |
Outside Body Appointments - amendments Minutes: Council considered the following amendments to the Outside Body appointments (circulated previously).
Bridge Trust To consider the appointment of Councillor Haworth-Booth to replace Councillor R. Knight on the Bridge Trust for the life of Council and that attendance at meetings be an approved duty.
Minutes: (a) Bridge Trust:
Council considered the appointment of Councillor Haworth-Booth to replace Councillor R. Knight on the Bridge Trust for the life of Council and that attendance at meetings be an approved duty.
It was moved by Councillor P. Leaver and seconded by Councillor Bushell that Councillor Haworth-Booth be appointed to replace Councillor R. Knight on the Bridge Trust for the life of Council and that attendance at meetings be an approved duty.
RESOLVED, that Councillor Councillor Haworth-Booth be appointed to replace Councillor R. Knight on the Bridge Trust for the life of Council and that attendance at meetings be an approved duty.
Councillor Hunt declared an other registrable interest as a trustee on the Bridge Trust. |
North Devon Locality Committee To consider the appointment of 2 Members to the North Devon Locality Committee rather than 3 Members for the life of Council and that attendance at meetings be an approved duty. (NOTE: At Annual Council on 18 May 2023, Councillors D. Knight, R. Knight and Spear were appointed to the Locality Committee).
Minutes: (b) North Devon Locality Committee:
Council considered the appointment of 2 Members to the North Devon Locality Committee rather than 3 Members for the life of Council and that attendance at meetings be an approved duty. (NOTE: At Annual Council on 18 May 2023, Councillors D. Knight, R. Knight and Spear were appointed to the Locality Committee).
It was moved by Councillor Roome and seconded by Councillor C. Leaver that Councillors Spear and D. Knight remained on the North Devon Locality Committee as the two appointed members from North Devon Council.
RESOLVED that Councillors Spear and D. Knight remained on the North Devon Locality Committee as the two appointed members from North Devon Council and that attendance at meetings be an approved duty.
Councillor C. Leaver declared an other registrable interest as a member of Devon County Council and added that when a Committee meeting was arranged in the future that the appointed Members be encouraged to attend. |
Fremington Quay Environment Group Following a request from the Fremington Quay Environment Group, to consider the appointment of one Member to the Fremington Quay Environment Group and whether the appointment should be an approved duty. Minutes: (c) Fremington Quay Environment Group:
Council considered a request from the Fremington Quay Environment Group, to consider the appointment of one Member to the Fremington Quay Environment Group and whether the appointment should be an approved duty.
It was moved by Councillor Roome and seconded by Councillor Patrinos that Councillor Denton be appointed to the Fremington Quay Environment Group and that the appointment should be an approved duty.
RESOLVED, that Councillor Denton be appointed to the Fremington Quay Environment Group and that the appointment should be an approved duty.
Councillors Denton and Walker declared an other registrable interests as members of Fremington Parish Council. |
Rural Services Network Following a request from the Rural Services Network, to consider the appointment of one Member and one Substitute Member to the Rural Services Network and whether the appointment should be an approved duty.
Minutes: (d) Rural Services Network:
Council consider a request from the Rural Services Network, to consider the appointment of one Member and one Substitute Member to the Rural Services Network and whether the appointment should be an approved duty.
It was moved by Councillor Worden and seconded by Councillor P. Leaver that Councillor C. Leaver be appointed as the Member and that Councillor Bell be appointed as the substitute Member to the Rural Services Network and that the appointments be an approved duty.
RESOLVED, that Councillor C. Leaver be appointed as the Member and that Councillor Bell be appointed as the substitute Member to the Rural Services Network and that the appointments be an approved duty.
Councillor Bushell voted against the decision.
Change of date of future Council meeting To consider whether to change the date of the meeting of Council that was scheduled to be held on Wednesday 27 September 2023 at 6.30 pm to be held on Wednesday 4 October 2023 at 6.30 pm instead due to the unavailability of Petroc as a venue for the meeting. Minutes: Council considered whether to change the date of the meeting of Council that was scheduled to be held on Wednesday 27th September 2023 at 6.30 pm to be held on Wednesday 4th October 2023 at 6.30 pm instead due to the unavailability of Petroc as a venue for the meeting.
It was moved by Councillor Bushell and seconded by Councillor Roome that the date of the meeting of Full Council on Wednesday 27th September 2023 be changed and held on Wednesday 4th October 2023 at 6.30 pm at Petroc when the room was available.
Councillor R. Knight abstained from the vote. |
Minutes of Committees Council is recommended to note the schedule of Committee minutes and approve recommendations as listed below:
Additional documents:
Minutes: (a) Governance Committee
RESOLVED, that the following minutes of the Governance Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:
(i) 27 March 2023 (ii) 13 June 2023
a. Minute 6: Statement of Accounts. b. Minute 7: Draft Annual Governance Statement.
(b) Joint Planning Policy Committee.
(i) 17 March 2023.
(c) Licensing and Community Safety Committee:
(i) 7th March 2023 (ii) 13th June 2023 (iii) 4th July 2023.
(d)Planning Committee
(i) 8 March 2023 (ii) 26 April 2023 (iii) 14 June 2023
(e) Policy Development Committee:
(i) 6 July 2023.
</AI31> <AI32> (f) Strategy and Resources Committee:
(i) 5 June 2023.
a. Minute 11: A Housing Management Company.
(ii) 3 July 2023.