Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Virtual - Online meeting. View directions

Contact: Corporate and Community Services  01271 388253

Note: If you wish to attend Council please email by noon Monday 5 October. This will be a virtual meeting and will be conducted in line with The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020. Please be aware that when you take part in a virtual meeting your phone number and/or your email address will be visible to councillors and officers of North Devon Council attending the committee but will not be visible to members of the public or others. This is required to allow you to be identified on Microsoft Teams, the software used by the Council to hold virtual committees, and will not be used for any other purpose by the Council. For more information, or to exercise your rights, please see 


No. Item


Virtual meetings procedure - briefing and etiquette

Chair to report.


The Chair outlined the virtual meeting procedure and etiquette to Council and attendees.


The Senior Corporate and Community Services Officer confirmed the names of those Councillors and officers present and advised that members of the public and press were also in attendance.



Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Campbell, Cann, Lofthouse, Phillips and Topps.


To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2020 (attached) pdf icon PDF 252 KB


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2020 (circulated previously) be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Chair's announcements


(a)       Councillor Will Topps


The Chair congratulated Councillor Will Topps and his wife Selina on the birth  of their baby daughter yesterday.


(b)       Business Grants


The Chair provided Council with an update on Business Grants.  He advised that Members will recall that the business grant scheme announced by the Chancellor back in March 2020 and that Local Authorities would be responsible for the administration and payment of these much needed grants to support local businesses.  North Devon Council were allocated the largest allocation of grant funding in Devon and had one of the largest number of eligible businesses who could apply, including all the unitary Councils.  North Devon’s online form went ‘live’ on 9 April for businesses to access, just 2 weeks after the guidance was announced.   The scheme had now finished and as of today; the Council had paid out £43million to 3800 businesses and have therefore paid out to 96% of those eligible businesses that could apply.  In addition, Government announced a “Discretionary Business Grant” fund.  The Council ran this scheme through our Economic Development team as they had close links to local businesses and especially those that had fallen outside the scope of the original grant scheme.  The scheme was launched on 1 June 2020; and have fully allocated the £2.25million fund.   To summarise, the Council had paid out a total of £45.3million in Business Grants.  The Council had also allocated in addition; £20million Expanded Retail discount off business rate bills to a further 1100 businesses.  Overall financial assistance to support North Devon businesses of over £65million through the pandemic.  Bearing in mind the context of the speed and pressure from Government to ‘support businesses’ quickly; the Council have delivered under exceptional circumstances an enormous amount of financial assistance to support local businesses in North Devon and we should be extremely proud of our officers in what they have achieved.



Replies to any questions submitted by the Public and/or to receive Petitions under Part 4, Council Procedures Rules, Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Constitution


There were no questions and/or Petitions submitted by the Public under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Constitution.  


To consider motions of which notice has been submitted by Members in accordance with Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution


To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Prowse:


“Recognising the Government’s devolution agenda and the likely move towards a structural re-organisation this Council is committed to a form of local government as close to people as possible.  With the North Devon economy is on its knees central government is planning to reduce local democracy by abolishing all County and District Councils in England, with a White Paper expected shortly.  A very recent economic study of the impact of Covid-19 across Devon underlines the radically different economic and social structures of the north and south of Devon.   Whilst the north has only around a third of the population of Devon it has two thirds of the worst affected areas.”


Motion “That this Council work with other stakeholders across Devon to draft and promote an alternative structure of local government that best reflects the needs of the differing communities and local economies in Devon.”



To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Roome:


Cleaning the drains.

“The recent heavy rain has caused considerable misery and inconvenience to some residents in North Devon. It has been brought to the attention of NDC Councillors, when reporting blocked gully drains, that DCC have changed their cleaning programme to once every three years on minor roads, and some DCC officers have stated that the situation is completely unacceptable.  Secondly when a gully drain is cleaned, there is no apparent maintenance schedule in place to confirm the pipework leading from the gully to the sewer is clear. If the connecting pipe work is not maintained properly, surface water becomes a real problem in periods of heavy rain.  This situation is totally unacceptable, and “we request DCC review the maintenance programme of gully drains immediately, and work with District Council Members to identify areas that need more regular maintenance””.



To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Worden:

Protecting the public’s say in the planning process

“This Council notes:

·         The publication by Government of the White Paper, ‘Planning for the Future’ on 6 August 2020, which set out proposals on reforms to the planning process for the future.

·         That the vast majority of planning applications are given the go ahead by local authority planning committees, with permission granted to around 9 out of 10 applications.

·         That research by the Local Government Association has said that there are existing planning permissions for more than one million homes that have not yet been started.

This Council is concerned that the proposals seek to:

1. Reduce or remove the right of residents to object to applications near them.

2. Grant automatic rights for developers to build on land identified as ‘for growth’.

3. Remove section 106 payments for infrastructure and their replacement with a national levy.


This Council Further Notes:

1. The Royal Institute for British Architects called the proposals ‘shameful and which will do almost nothing to guarantee delivery of affordable, well-designed and sustainable homes’. RIBA also said that proposals could lead to  ...  view the full agenda text for item 144.


(a) To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Prowse


Councillor Prowse presented his notice of motion to Council.


It was moved by Councillor Prowse and seconded by Councillor Biederman:


“That this Council work with other stakeholders across Devon to draft and promote an alternative structure of local government that best reflects the needs of the differing communities and local economies in Devon.”


Council noted that Councillor Bushell raised concerns of a repeat of when Borough Councils were removed and local authorities lost the assets from their area.


RESOLVED that this Council work with other stakeholders across Devon to draft and promote an alternative structure of local government that best reflects the needs of the differing communities and local economies in Devon.


(b) To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Roome


Councillor Biederman declared a personal interest as a Member of Devon County Council.


Councillor Roome presented his notice of motion to Council.


It was moved by Councillor Roome and seconded by Councillor Tucker that “we request DCC review the maintenance programme of gully drains immediately and that South West Water review their drains in light of the recent flooding, and work with District Council Members to identify areas that need more regular maintenance; and that comparison information be requested from DCC regarding the savings that have been made following the reduction of maintenance and clearance of drains against the costs of the reactionary work required following flooding”.


RESOLVED that it be requested that DCC review the maintenance programme of gully drains immediately and that South West Water review their drains in light of the recent flooding, and work with District Council Members to identify areas that need more regular maintenance; and that comparison information be requested from DCC regarding the savings that have been made following the reduction of maintenance and clearance of drains against the costs of the reactionary work required following flooding”.


(c)  To consider the following notice of motion from Councillor Worden


Councillor Worden presented his notice of motion to Council.  Councillor Worden advised that a special meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee would be held on 19 October 2020 and that any Member was welcome to attend and address the Committee.


The Chief Executive advised that the consultation response to the White Paper on changes to the current planning system had been submitted and a copy would be circulated to all Members.  The notice of motion would be automatically referred to the Strategy and Resources Committee and therefore did not need to form part of the notice of motion.


It was moved by Councillor Worden and seconded by Councillor Biederman that “the Council take part in the consultation in the planning proposals, and to make representations against the proposals as outlined in this motion, write to our Member of Parliament, expressing the Council’s concerns and to circulate her reply to members and highlight its concerns over these proposals with the public and local residents.” 





the Council t  ...  view the full minutes text for item 144.


Declarations of Interest

(NB. Members only need to re-declare any interests previously declared at Committee and Sub-Committee meetings if the item is discussed at Council).



The following declaration of interest was announced:


Councillor Biederman

Item 12 – personal interest as an employee of the Royal Mail



Chair's replies to any questions to Council by Members submitted under Part 4, Council Procedures Rules, Paragraph 10 of the Constitution pdf icon PDF 184 KB

(a) To consider the following question from Councillor Ley to the Leader:


“For the first time I have been unable to resolve Ward issues. The primary reason for this, (again for the first time) is that in exercising their delegated powers, officers have either informed me after a decision has been made, or not at all.  The Constitution is crystal clear on Page 10.  IN EXERCISING THEIR DELEGATED POWERS OFFICERS WILL CONSULT WITH ANY APPROPRIATE MEMBER.

To date officers at the most senior level have refused to acknowledge any mistakes. If you do not acknowledge when a mistake has been made, you cannot learn from them and move on.


So the question is: How do you ensure such incidents are not repeated. Or alternatively, what mechanism can be put in place to safeguard a Ward member(s) community role from being overridden.”


(a) To consider the following question from Councillor Ley to the Leder:


“For the first time I have been unable to resolve Ward issues. The primary reason for this, (again for the first time) is that in exercising their delegated powers, officers have either informed me after a decision has been made, or not at all.   The Constitution is crystal clear on Page 10. IN EXERCISING THEIR DELEGATED POWERS OFFICERS WILL CONSULT WITH ANY APPROPRIATE MEMBER. To date officers at the most senior level have refused to acknowledge any mistakes. If you do not acknowledge when a mistake has been made, you cannot learn from them and move on.


So the question is: How do you ensure such incidents are not repeated. Or alternatively, what mechanism can be put in place to safeguard a Ward member(s) community role from being overridden.”


Councillor Worden’s response “Thank you Councillor Ley for your question and I am sorry that you have felt uniformed resulting in not been able to resolve a Ward issue. As you are aware the constitution sets out a whole range of decisions which are delegated to officers to take.  Every Council operates in this way and in effect, it would be very difficult to operate on a day to day basis without that approach.  Our constitution states that before exercising delegated powers, an officer will consult with any appropriate member which may include the Leader, Ward Councillors or the Chair of a relevant Committee.  I am sure that this provision was included so that councillors would be involved in important decisions.  The wording of this provision does however leave room for misinterpretation as what one person deems appropriate may be different to another person.  The powers that are delegated to officers are wide and range from decisions such as approving a planning application through to minor matters such as ordering equipment.  It is fair to say that councillors would not expect to be consulted on every decision as to do so in some cases would not be seen as “appropriate”.  The alternative approach would be to specify each power that would be subject to prior consultation which would be extremely difficult as there are even differences between the level of information or consultation expected by individual councillors.  The issue raised by Councillor Ley, which related to a planning issue in his ward, has already been discussed with officers and the Head of Place has made a suggestion to Councillor Ley that will hopefully ensure that this situation does not arise again.”   In response to a supplementary question, Councillor Worden advised that a meeting with Councillor Ley, himself, the Chief Executive and Head of Place would be arranged to resolve the issue.



Report of the Leader of the Council pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Report by Leader of the Council (attached).


Council noted a report by the Leader of the Council (circulated previously) regarding work that had been undertaken since the last Council meeting.


Councillor Worden advised that he would write a letter to Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust on behalf of the Council asking them to reconsider their current maternity restrictions with urgency, and allow women to have their partners with them for all pregnancy scans and at all stages of labour.  Torridge District Council had written a similar letter.


Councillor Roome declared a personal interest as an employee of the Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust.


Councillor Lovering declared a personal interest as employee of the maternity unit at the North Devon District Hospital.


Questions by Members pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Questions to the Leader or the Chair of a Committee submitted under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, paragraph 10.4 of the Constitution.


The following questions were submitted in advance of the meeting and responses provided by the Leader were circulated separately:



Question to Councillor Worden from Councillor Luggar “It appears North Devon Council has lodged a High Court Claim against the Royal Mail for Value Added Tax. Please could it be explained who authorised the legal action against the Royal Mail and an indication of the costs and risks of taking our case to the High Court? (Page 115, point 44. Council meeting agenda).”  Councillor Worden’s response “The Royal Mail has historically treated certain services as exempt from VAT, where the view is that the correct treatment should have been standard rated VAT.  The argument being that we have been prevented from reclaiming input VAT embedded in these supplies.  The initial value of the claim, subject to verification and updating as the litigation progresses, amounts to £500,000.  As receipt of the claim is uncertain we have not included within the Council’s accounts but have shown as a Contingent Asset highlighting the claim is outstanding.  Our claim was submitted in 2015, approved by the Section 151 officer in consultation with Legal Services and to date the total cost incurred is circa £16,000 including tax advice, legal fees, and after the event insurance which have all been covered from within existing budgetary resources. There are almost 300 participants in the Group Litigation Order, including a great number of other Local Authorities, with Leicester City Council being one of the lead cases.  The Council has also taken out After The Event Insurance that would cover Royal Mail's legal and related costs should they be successful, so that none of the participants would be exposed to these fees, thereby reducing the risk to this Council.”



Question to Councillor Worden from Councillor Luggar “Has the council reviewed its investment strategy, supply chains and procurement models to give due consideration to climate change impacts as time is of the essence, before an officer for climate change is appointed?”  Councillor Worden’s response “The Council does take into consideration climate change impacts as part of the Environment corporate priority theme.  The forthcoming Service Plans that Heads of Service produce will have the environment theme running through them to ensure that projects and future service delivery has this embedded within.”



Question to Councillor Worden from Councillor Luggar “Why is the assurance framework (on page 141 of Council meeting agenda) out of date and based on a former constitutional arrangement at North Devon Council?”  Councillor Worden’s response “Thank you Councillor Luggar you are correct.  The diagram at the back of the Annual Governance Statement reflects the old Executive Committee system.  The detail of function within the assurance diagram is correct we just need to amend the Committee names to reflect the new structure which came into force April 2019 and this has now been completed and has been published as a supplementary document as part of your agenda.” 



Question to Councillor Worden from Councillor Lofthouse ““The leader mentioned  ...  view the full minutes text for item 148.


Statement of Accounts 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 272 KB


The Chair advised that items 13 (a), 13 (b) and 13 (c) would be considered and debated together and that a single vote would be taken on the three recommendations.



Report by Chief Financial Officer (attached) pdf icon PDF 134 KB

Chair of the Governance Committee to report the recommendations of the Governance Committee held on 8 September 2020 (attached – Appendix B) and 5 October 2020.

Additional documents:


Council considered a report by the Chief Financial Officer (circulated previously) regarding the Statement of Accounts for 2019/20.  The Chief Financial Officer advised that the draft Statement of Accounts for year ended 31 March 2020 was signed by the Chief Financial Officer on 22 July 2020.  Normally, the final date for published, audited accounts was 31 July, however this year due to Covid-19 this was extended to 30 November 2020.  The Covid-19 pandemic only started to make a notable impact upon the public and businesses in the last two weeks of March; and thus not had a dramatic impact upon these draft financial statements for period to 31 March 2020; the real budgetary impact of Covid affects the financial position of the Council post April 2020.  The External Audit of Accounts started on 8 Sept 2020.  The Audit Findings Report was presented to the Governance Committee which gave an Unqualified Opinion on Financial Statements/Value for Money Conclusion and four recommendations following Key Findings which had been accepted by management and responses built into the Action Plan.  The Accounts were required to be formally signed off at Council.  He outlined the narrative report which set out the challenges the Council faced, how those challenges would be met and reviewed the last financial year 2019/20; the main statements; accounting policies; notes to the Accounts.  He advised of an amendment to Note 4 “Accounting Standards that have been issued but not yet been adopted” as follows: “In response to the Covid 19 pandemic, CIPFA/LASAAC deferred the implementation of IFRS 16 Leases in the public sector until 1 April 2021. This will require lessees to recognise assets subject to leases as right-of-use assets on their balance sheet, along with corresponding lease liabilities (there are exceptions for low-value and short-term leases).”  He outlined the Auditors report as detailed on page 123 following the conclusion of the audit and presentation of their audit findings report to Governance Committee on 5 October 2020.  He advised that the Medium Term Financial Plan would be presented to the next meeting of Council.


Councillor Roome presented the recommendations of the Governance Committee held on 8 September 2020 and 5 October 2020 (circulated previously).


It was moved by Councillor Roome and seconded by Councillor Biederman that the recommendation in the report be adopted.


RESOLVED that theStatement of Accounts 2019/20 be approved, and that the Chairman of the Council sign and date the Statement of Accounts as required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations.



Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 (attached) pdf icon PDF 532 KB

To consider the recommendations of the Governance Committee held on 8 September 2020 (attached)

Additional documents:


Council considered the Annual Governance Statement for 2019/20 (circulated previously).  The Monitoring Officer advised that the flowchart on page 11 had now been updated to reflect the committee arrangements and a copy had been published as a supplementary document.  He advised that the Governance Committee at its meeting on 8th September 2020 had recommended approval.


Councillor Roome reported the recommendations of the Governance Committee held on 8th September 2020 and advised that it had been a challenging year for all Local Authorities and in particular thanked the Finance team for its hard work in administering grants to support the economy.


It was moved by Councillor Roome and seconded by Councillor Biederman “that the Annual Governance Statement for 2019/20 be approved”.


RESOLVED that the Annual Governance Statement for 2019/20 be approved.



Letter of Representation on behalf of the Council (attached) pdf icon PDF 2 MB

It is RECOMMENDED “that the letter of representation on behalf of the Council be approved and signed by the Chief Financial Officer”.  Chair of the Governance Committee to report the recommendation of the Governance Committee held on 5 October 2020.


The Chief Financial Officer advised Council that the Letter of Representation on behalf of the Council was the final part of the Statement of Accounts and conclusion of the audit.

Councillor Roome reported the recommendation of the Governance Committee held on 5 October 2020 (circulated separately).


It was moved by Councillor Roome and seconded by Councillor Biederman that “that the letter of representation on behalf of the Council be approved and signed by the Chief Financial Officer”.


RESOLVED that the letter of representation on behalf of the Council be approved and signed by the Chief Financial Officer.





Performance and Financial Management Quarter 4 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 336 KB

(NOTE: A copy of the report that was considered by the Strategy and Resources Committee on 3 August 2020 is attached).

Additional documents:


Council considered the Performance and Financial Management report Quarter 4 2019/20 to the Strategy and Resources Committee on 3 August 2020 (circulated previously).


Report of the Policy Development Committee pdf icon PDF 126 KB

To receive the report of the Policy Development Committee held on 10 September 2020 (attached).


Councillor Spear, Chair of the Policy Development Committee presented the Committee’s report on the Performance and Financial Management for Quarter 4 of 2019/20 (circulated previously).


Report of meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee pdf icon PDF 6 KB

To receive the report of the meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 3 August 2020 (attached).


Councillor Worden, Chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee reported the recommendations of the Strategy and Resources Committee on the Performance and Financial Management for Quarter 4 of 2019/20 (circulated previously).


It was moved by Councillor Worden and seconded by Councillor Bushell that “minute 159 (f) of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 3 August 2020 be adopted”.


RESOLVED that minute 159 (f) of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 3 August 2020 be adopted.



Performance and Financial Management Quarter 1 of 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 290 KB

(NOTE: A copy of the report that was considered by the Strategy and Resources Committee on 1 September 2020 is attached).

Additional documents:


Council considered the Performance and Financial Management report for Quarter 1 of 2020/21 to the Strategy and Resources Committee on 1 September 2020 (circulated previously).


Report by the Policy Development Committee pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To receive the report of the Policy Development Committee held on 10 September 2020 (attached).


Councillor Spear, Chair of the Policy Development Committee presented the Committee’s report on the Performance and Financial Management for Quarter 1 of 2020/21 (circulated previously).


Report of meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee pdf icon PDF 6 KB

To receive the report of the meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 1 September 2020 (attached).


Councillor Worden, Chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee reported the recommendations of the Strategy and Resources Committee on the Performance and Financial Management for Quarter 1 of 2020/21 (circulated previously).


It was moved by Councillor Worden and seconded by Councillor D. Spear that “minute 175 (f) of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 1 September 2020 be adopted”.


RESOLVED that minute 175 (f) of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 1 September 2020 be adopted.



Treasury Management Annual Report 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 838 KB

(NOTE: A copy of the report that was considered by the Strategy and Resources Committee on 1 September 2020 is attached).


Council considered the Treasury Management Annual report for 2019/20 to the Strategy and Resources Committee on 1 September 2020 (circulated previously)


Report of the Policy Development Committee pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To receive the report of the Policy Development Committee held on 10 September 2020 (attached).


Councillor Spear, Chair of the Policy Development Committee presented the Committee’s report on the Treasury Management Annual Report 2019/20 (circulated previously).


Report of meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee pdf icon PDF 5 KB

To receive the report of the meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee on 1 September 2020 (attached).



Councillor Worden, Chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee reported the recommendations of the Strategy and Resources Committee on the Treasury Management Annual Report 2019/20 (circulated previously).


It was moved by Councillor Worden and seconded by Councillor Jenkins that “minute 176 of the meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee on 1 September 2020 be adopted”.


RESOLVED that minute 176 of the meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee on 1 September 2020 be adopted.



Appointment to the Strategy and Resources Committee

It is RECOMMENDED that a Councillor be appointed to replace Councillor Leaver as a member of the Strategy and Resources Committee for the municipal year 2019/20.


Councillor Worden thanked Councillor Leaver for her work on the Strategy and Resources Committee and advised that she had to step down from the Committee owing to work commitments.


It was moved by Councillor Worden and seconded by Councillor Tucker “that Councillor Knight be appointed to replace Councillor Leaver as a member of the Strategy and Resources Committee for the municipal year 2019/20”.


In response to a question, the Senior Corporate and Community Services Officer confirmed that it was still the 2019/20 municipal year as a meeting of Annual Council had not been held this year.


RESOLVED that Councillor Knight be appointed to replace Councillor Leaver as a member of the Strategy and Resources Committee for the municipal year 2019/20.



Report by Chair of Governance Committee pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Report by Chair of Governance Committee (attached).


Council considered and noted the half yearly report by the Chair of Governance Committee (circulated previously).


Minutes of Committees

Council is recommended to note the schedule of Committee minutes and approve recommendations as listed below:



Building Control Joint Committee pdf icon PDF 210 KB

(i)       6 August 2020


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Building Control Joint Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


(i)         6 August 2020


Governance Committee pdf icon PDF 5 KB

(i)       8 September 2020


(A)      Minute 90: Recommendations to Update the Member Code of Conduct

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Governance Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


(i)         8 September 2020


(A)      Minute 90: Recommendations to Update the Member Code of Conduct



Harbour Board pdf icon PDF 5 KB

(i)       11 August 2020


(A)      Minute 58: Three Month Waiver of Harbour Fees 2021-2022

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Harbour Board (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


(i)       11 August 2020


(A)      Minute 58: Three Month Waiver of Harbour Fees 2021-2022


Licensing and Community Safety Committee pdf icon PDF 217 KB

(i)       14 July 2020


(ii)       8 September 2020

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Licensing and Community Safety Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


(i)       14 July 2020


(ii)     8 September 2020


Planning Committee pdf icon PDF 202 KB

(i)       8 July 2020


(ii)       12 August 2020


(iii)      9 September 2020

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Planning Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


(i)       8 July 2020


(ii)      12 August 2020


(iii)      9 September 2020


Policy Development Committee pdf icon PDF 299 KB

(i)       16 July 2020


(ii)       10 September 2020

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Policy Development Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


(i)       16 July 2020


(ii)     10 September 2020


Strategy and Resources Committee pdf icon PDF 93 KB

(i)       3 August 2020


(A)      Minute 164 (b): Approval and Release of Section 106 Public Open Space Fund – Bickington


(B)      Minute 165 (b): Approval and Release of Section 106 Funds – South Molton


(ii)       1 September 2020


(A)      Minute 177 (c): Approval and Release of Section 106 Public Open Space Funds – South Molton and Combe Martin


(B)      Minute 179: Seven Brethren - Agreeing a Way Forward (NOTE: Please note that due to a typographical error, the minute will be amended to state “RESOLVED” and not “RECOMMENDED” at the meeting of the Committee on 5 October 2020).

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


(i)       3 August 2020


(A)      Minute 164 (b): Approval and Release of Section 106 Public Open Space Fund – Bickington


(B)      Minute 165 (b): Approval and Release of Section 106 Funds – South Molton


(ii)       1 September 2020


(A)      Minute 177 (c): Approval and Release of Section 106 Public Open Space Funds – South Molton and Combe Martin


(B)      Minute 179: Seven Brethren - Agreeing a Way Forward (Council noted that due to a typographical error, the minute will be amended to state “RESOLVED” and not “RECOMMENDED” at the meeting of the Committee on 5 October 2020).