Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Virtual - Online meeting. View directions

Contact: Corporate and Community Services  01271 388253

Note: If you wish to attend Council please email by noon Monday 20 July 2020. This will be a virtual meeting and will be conducted in line with The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020. Please be aware that when you take part in a virtual meeting your phone number and/or your email address will be visible to councillors and officers of North Devon Council attending the committee but will not be visible to members of the public or others. This is required to allow you to be identified on Microsoft Teams, the software used by the Council to hold virtual committees, and will not be used for any other purpose by the Council. For more information, or to exercise your rights, please see 


No. Item


Virtual meetings procedure - briefing and etiquette

Chair to report.


The Chair outlined the virtual meeting procedure and etiquette to Council and attendees.


The Senior Corporate and Community Services Officer confirmed the names of those Councillors and officers present and advised that members of the public and press were also in attendance.


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Leaver.


To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 26 February 2020 (attached) pdf icon PDF 326 KB


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 26 February 2020 (circulated previously) be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair subject to the heading of minute 108 (a) being amended to include reference to the “traffic congestion in Old Torrington Road, Sticklepath Hill and the Cedars roundabout”.



Chair's announcements


The Chair thanked all members of staff and the Senior Management Team for their hard work and way that they had adapted during the Covid 19 lockdown.  He also thanked Councillors in their role as community leaders in helping their communities during the lockdown.


Business brought forward by or with the consent of the Chair


(a) Closure of Minor Injuries Units


The Chair invited Councillor Prowse to address Council regarding the continuing closure of minor injuries units.


Councillor Prowse advised that he had been contacted by former Councillor Edmunds due to concern being raised by the residents of Ilfracombe and Ilfracombe Town Council regarding the continued closure of the minor injuries unit in Ilfracombe and the impact this would have on North Devon District Hospital should it remain closed.


Concern was also expressed regarding the closure of other minor injuries units in the Northern Devon area which would have an impact on residents and tourists.


Councillors Roome and Lovering declared personal interests as employees of the NHS.


Councillor Worden advised that as Leader of the Council he and Councillor Biederman as Chair of the Council would write a letter on behalf of the Council to the Primary Care Trust, Devon County Council, Northern Devon Healthcare Trust and One Northern Devon regarding the continue closure of the minor injuries units at Ilfracome, Lynton and Lynmouth and Bideford.  The letter would also be signed by all Group Leaders.


Replies to any questions submitted by the Public and/or to receive Petitions under Part 4, Council Procedures Rules, Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Constitution


There were no questions and/or Petitions submitted by the Public under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Constitution.


To consider motions of which notice has been submitted by Members in accordance with Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution


There were no motions of which notice had been submitted by the Members in accordance with Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution.


Declarations of Interest

(NB. Members only need to re-declare any interests previously declared at Committee and Sub-Committee meetings if the item is discussed at Council).



The following of declarations of interest were received:


Councillor Bushell

Item 15 (d) – personal and prejudicial as Chair and trustee to the Arts Destination charity


Councillor Davis

Item 15 (b) - personal interest as son was an employee of the Devon Audit Partnership


Councillor Phillips

Item 15 (c) – personal interest as a trustee appointed by Barnstaple Town Council


Councillor Worden

Item 15 (d) – personal interest as he had been attending meetings


Councillor Biederman as Chair gave Councillor Bushell permission to remain in the meeting for item 15 (d), however he would be unable to participate in the vote taken on this matter.


Chair's replies to any questions to Council by Members submitted under Part 4, Council Procedures Rules, Paragraph 10 of the Constitution


There were no questions submitted to Council by Members under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, Paragraph 10 of the Constitution.


Report of the Leader of the Council pdf icon PDF 197 KB

Report by Leader of the Council (attached).


Council noted a report by the Leader of the Council (circulated previously) regarding work that had been undertaken since the last Council meeting.


Questions by Members pdf icon PDF 233 KB

Questions to the Leader or the Chair of a Committee submitted under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, paragraph 10.4 of the Constitution.


The following questions were submitted in advance of the meeting and responses provided by the Leader were circulated separately:



Question to Councillor Worden from Councillor Lane “With the Council’s budget deficit increasing....what action does the Leader intend to take to ensure a balanced budget out-turn can be achieved?”  Councillor Worden’s response “The new funding announcements made a couple of weeks ago are currently being modelled to update the Council’s latest financial position.  We have also last week had confirmation of North Devon’s share of the £500million, which is a further £171,055; taking our overall additional funding up to £1,189,063. The Government also announced a reimbursement of losses on sales, fees and charges; the technical guidance around this has only just been provided last Friday and the team are building this into our financial modelling; together with the further announcement the Chancellor made of allowing Councils to spread deficits on their taxation income (council tax and business rates) over the next three years; rather than it being a financial burden in this year.  The impact of all these recent announcements will be included in our updated July financial return submitted to Government next week and will form the basis for a refreshed Medium Term Financial Plan which we will be looking to bring to members in September.  We are in addition lobbying Government for an early indication of future year funding 2021-22 for local authorities so that we can plan for 2021-22 and beyond as some of the measures announced push the cost to the following financial years.  We will still be faced with a forecast budget gap, just over a much longer period and not just this year, but the recent funding announcements do provide some breathing space for 2020-21 and time to receive a refreshed Medium Term Financial Plan from our Chief Financial Officer in September for members to approve.”



Question to Councillor Worden from Councillor Lane “What strategy has the Council adopted going forward to make waste and recycling more financially efficient?”   Councillor Worden’s response “We have recently just started to evaluate how we procure our vehicle fleet and have started a project to look at this together with associated changes within the process hall.  Both these infrastructure projects are intended to put us in a stronger position to be able to deal with future roll out improvements to the Waste and Recycling service if members are wishing to make such changes.   If members support a decision to make further service improvements then there are anticipated financial benefits to be received from such changes.  A full business case and report will of course be presented to members to analyse the detail of any such proposals.”



Question to Councillor Worden from Councillor Yabsley “What planning is in place....given the known position and the latest information from terms of future budget setting for next year and indeed for the next 3 years?”  Councillor Worden’s response “Annual budgets for the following financial year are  ...  view the full minutes text for item 133.


Devon County Council/North Devon Council response to the Climate Declaration

Lead Member for Climate Change to report.


The Chair advised that the Lead Member for Climate Change had given her apologies for the meeting and therefore the item could not be considered.  The Chair advised that following a previous decision of Council that in future a written report would be produced by the Lead Member for Climate Change and included on the agenda for consideration.


Statutory Pay Policy 2020 pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Report by Human Resources Manager (attached).

Additional documents:


Council considered a report by the HR Manager (circulated previously) regarding the Statutory Pay Policy 2020.


It was moved by Councillor Biederman and seconded by Councillor Worden that the recommendation in the report be adopted.


RESOLVED that the report, its Appendix and Annex thereto in relation to the Statutory Pay Policy 2020 be approved.



Outside bodies


Outside Bodies - Report of Appointees pdf icon PDF 224 KB

Report by Council appointed representatives (attached).

Additional documents:


Council considered and noted the reports from appointees to Outside Bodies (circulated previously).


Council noted that Councillor Hunt advised that reports regarding the outside bodies to which she had been appointed had been submitted and that all future reports include the name of the Councillor appointed to the outside body at the top of the report.


Devon Audit Partnership: Partnership Committee

To consider the appointment of two Councillors to the Devon Audit Partnership Partnership Committee for the life of Council (NOTE: Councillors appointed must be a member of the Governance Committee and it is recommended that the Chair and Vice-Chair be appointed).


It was moved by Councillor Worden and seconded by Councillor Yabsley “that the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Governance Committee be appointed to the Devon Audit Partnership Committee for the life of Council”.


RESOLVED that the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Governance Committee be appointed to the Devon Audit Partnership Committee for the life of Council.


Trustees of Pilton Charities

It is RECOMMENDED that Mr Allan Cameron be appointed to the Trustees of Pilton Charities for the life of Council.


(NOTE: Mr Cameron has been previously appointed by the Council since 2011 and has served as the Council’s representative since that time.  Appointees must be a resident of Pilton) 


It was moved by Councillor Phillips and seconded by Councillor Hunt “that Mr Allan Cameron be appointed to the Trustees of Pilton Charities for the life of Council”.


RESOLVED that Mr Allan Cameron be appointed to the Trustees of Pilton Charities for the life of Council.



Arts Destination South Molton

To consider the appointment of one Councillor to the Arts Destination South Molton for the life of Council.



It was moved by Councillor Henderson and seconded by Councillor Roome “that Councillor Worden be appointed to the Arts Destination South Molton for the life of Council”.


RESOLVED that Councillor Worden be appointed to the Arts Destination South Molton for the life of Council.



Report by Chair of Governance Committee pdf icon PDF 213 KB

Report by Chair of Governance Committee (attached)


Council considered and noted the half yearly report by the Chair of Governance Committee (circulated previously).


Councillor Roome advised that the Council had now appointed new Internal Auditors, Devon Audit Partnership, who had attended the first meeting of the Committee on 9 June 2020.


Minutes of Committees

Council is recommended to note the schedule of Committee minutes and approve recommendations as listed below:



Governance Committee pdf icon PDF 221 KB


10 March 2020



9 June 2020



Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Governance Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


(i)         10 March 2020


(i)         9 June 2020


Planning Committee pdf icon PDF 212 KB


12 February 2020



11 March 2020



10 June 2020



Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Planning Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:


(i)       12 February 2020


(i)       11 March 2020


(iii)      10 June 2020


Strategy and Resources Committee pdf icon PDF 98 KB


2 March 2020


(i) Minute 115 (c): Approval and Release of Section 106 Funds, Kings Nympton


(ii) Minute 118 (b): Acquisition of Corporate Property



4 May 2020


(i) Minute 124 (c): Approval and Release of Section 106 Public Open Space Funds – Chulmleigh and Heasley Mill


(ii) Minute 125: Approval and Release of Section 106 Funds, South Molton



1 June 2020


(i) Minute 139: Devon Home Choice and Local Lettings Policies



6 July 2020


(i) Minute 151: Approval and Release of Section 106 Conservation Area Fund for Fremington Quay Wall Repair Project Phase 1


(ii) Minute 152: Approval and Release of Section 106 Public Open Space Fund – Kings Nympton



Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the following minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee (circulated previously) be noted and adopted as follows:



2 March 2020


(i) Minute 115 (c): Approval and Release of Section 106 Funds, Kings Nympton


(ii) Minute 118 (b): Acquisition of Corporate Property



4 May 2020


(i) Minute 124 (c): Approval and Release of Section 106 Public Open Space Funds – Chulmleigh and Heasley Mill


(ii) Minute 125: Approval and Release of Section 106 Funds, South Molton



1 June


(i) Minute 139: Devon Home Choice and Local Lettings Policies



6 July 2020


(i) Minute 151: Approval and Release of Section 106 Conservation Area Fund for Fremington Quay Wall Repair Project Phase 1


(ii) Minute 152: Approval and Release of Section 106 Public Open Space Fund, Kings Nympton