Agenda and minutes
Venue: Crematorium Meeting Room - North Devon Crematorium. View directions
Contact: Corporate and Community Services 01271 388253
No. | Item | |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Biederman, Bulled, Cann, Chesters, Davis, Knight, Lane, Leaver, Ley, Lofthouse, Prowse, Turton and Yabsley. |
Business brought forward by or with the consent of the Chair Minutes: There were no items of business brought forward by or with consent of the Chair. |
Declarations of Interest (NB. Members only need to re-declare any interests previously declared at Committee and Sub-Committee meetings if the item is discussed at Council).
Minutes: There were declarations of interest made. |
Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive PDF 303 KB To receive the recommendations of the Appointments Committee held on 22 July 2021 and to appoint the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive on the terms and conditions to be detailed. Report attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report by the Chief Executive (circulated previously) regarding the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive appointment.
The Chief Executive gave Council a background to the structural changes to job roles that were taking place at North Devon Council. The new posts would align with the four corporate priorities which were; Financial Security, Planning for North Devon’s future, Environmental Enhancement and Customer Focus.
The Chief Executive explained the reasons for making the changes which included a need to increase capacity at a senior level and to embed the new Behaviour Framework into the organisation. Seven new heads of service were to be created and these were; Governance, Place and Regeneration, Customer Focus, Planning, Housing and Health, Environmental Enhancement, Organisational Development and Programme Management and Performance. Shortlisting was currently taking place for the Heads of Service posts.
The Chief Executive also explained that the first step in the restructure was to recruit to the post of Director of Resources/Deputy Chief Executive. The post had been advertised externally and a recruitment process had been followed culminating in interviews conducted by the Appointments Committee. The recommendation from the Appointments Committee was to appoint Jon Triggs to that role.
It was moved by Councillor Roome and seconded by Councillor Henderson to adopt the recommendations in the report.