Venue: Virtual - Online meeting. View directions
Contact: Corporate and Community Services
01271 388253
Note: This will be a virtual meeting and will be conducted in line with The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.
No. |
Item |
193. |
Appointment of Chair
In the absence of the Chair,
the Vice-Chair advised that her internet connection was
intermittent and would not able to undertake the role of Chair for
this meeting. Therefore, a vote was
taken to appoint a Chair. Councillor
Worden moved that Councillor Prowse be Chair for this meeting, this
was seconded by Councillor Yabsley.
RESOLVED that Councillor Prowse
be appointed Chair for this meeting.
194. |
Virtual meetings procedure - briefing and etiquette
The Corporate and Community
Services Officer outlined the virtual meeting etiquette and
procedures and confirmed the Members, Officers and Guest in
195. |
Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were
received from Councillors Biederman, Leaver, Lovering and
196. |
Declarations of Interest
Members only need to re-declare any interests previously declared
at Committee and Sub-Committee meetings if the item is discussed at
The following declarations of
interest were made:
Councillor Orange -
Personal interest in the item
of Future High Street Fund, as was a member of the Barnstaple Youth
House Trust in the capacity of an Outside Body appointee
Councillor York -
Personal interest in the item
of Future High Street Fund, as was a Trustee of the Barnstaple
Youth House Trust
197. |
Exclusion of Public and Press and Restriction of Documents
Under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act
1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the
following item as it involved the likely disclosure of exempt
information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 Schedule 12A of the
Act (as amended from time to time), namely information relating to
the financial or business affairs of any particular person
(including the authority holding the information);
All documents and reports relating to the item be
confirmed as “Not for Publication”.
198. |
Future High Street Fund
Joint report by Regeneration
Manager and Head of Resources (attached).
Council considered a report by
the Head of Resources and the Regeneration Manager regarding Future
High Street Fund, (circulated previously).
The Regeneration Manager gave
Members a presentation as follows:
The Future High Street Fund was a Central Government
scheme, administered by the Ministry of Housing Communities and
Local Government (MCHLG) aimed at
renewing and reshaping High Streets
North Devon Council submitted their bid for funding
in July 2020. The bid consisted of four
inter-related projects; the Pannier
Market/Guildhall and Former abattoir, the acquisition and
rejuvenation of 36/37a Boutport Street,
the access and reconfiguration of Queen Street/Bear Street car park
and the pedestrianisation of
(10am – 4pm) and
public realm improvements to Butchers Row and Cross
On Boxing day 2020 North Devon Council learned they
had been awarded over £6.50 million, which equated to 69% of
the amount applied for
awarded a further £5,000 to pay for
consultants to help look at what could be achieved with the lower
amount offered
In total five options were modelled in consultation
with Inner Circle Consulting
North Devon Council had until 26th February 2021 to
respond with how the bid had been adapted to account for the
funding awarded or to identify where additional funding would be
The Head of Resources then
explained to Members the financial modelling of the five
Across the five options the old abattoir site was no
longer part of the model, however, the scheme would be designed so
as not to preclude this development coming forwards at a later
date, the improvement works to the Pannier Market in options two
and three allowed for this saving and showed reduced borrowing,
options four and five showed this saving as additional contingency
fund for the Pannier Market
Options two, three and four would not include the
public realm improvements and would be a missed
Option five was the preferred model despite showing
a higher borrowing cost to the Council
The improvement of the public realm would improve
visitor experiences and would ensure return visits to the area
which would not only benefit the town of Barnstaple but the whole
of North Devon
Looking for a quick and/or the biggest revenue gain
would not be of benefit in the medium to longer term
Any potential increased business rates income had
not been included in the figures in the report
The assets acquired would grow in value for the
Council over the longer term
The figures in the modelling had been looked at very
closely and were very prudent, other teams across the authority
such as the Property team and the Economic Development team had
looked at the models produced by the external consultants to input
their thoughts
The Head of Resources then
introduced James Windsor, Inner Circle Consulting who gave a
presentation on the benchmark data used for the financial modelling
as follows: