Issue - meetings
Houses in Multiple Occupation: Amenity Standards, Minimum Room Sizing and Licence Conditions
Meeting: 05/07/2021 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 40)
Joint report by Public Protection Manager and Graduate Environmental Health Officer (attached)
Additional documents:
- 2021.07.05 HIMO Appendix A, item 40 PDF 226 KB
- 2021.07.05 HIMO Appendix B, item 40 PDF 395 KB
- 2021.07.05 HIMO Appendix C, item 40 PDF 351 KB
The Committee considered a joint report by the Public Protection Manager and Graduate Environmental Health Officer (circulated previously) regarding Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO): amenity standards, minimum room sizing and licence conditions.
The Public Protection Manager advised that the purpose of this report was to feedback on the results of the 6 week consultation exercise on a set of updated licence conditions, amenity standards and room sizes under the new HMO licensing regime and to seek approval for their implementation. The consultation ran between 25 April 2021 and 6 June 2021 and was undertaken with key stakeholders including estate agents, management companies and landlords of HMOs.
The Public Protection Manager and Graduate Environmental Health Officer outlined the key themes of the consultation feedback as detailed in paragraphs 4.20 to 4.29 of the report.
In response to questions, the Public Protection Manager advised that suggestions had been received regarding accreditation schemes and that this would be explored further. The Council already requested certifications for electrical and gas safety and would be recommending measures surrounding radon testing and lead in drinking water.
(a) the feedback on the results of the public consultation exercise, contained within Appendix A be noted;
(b) the draft Amenity Standards and Minimum Room Sizing requirements in Appendix B be adopted;
(c) the proposed Licence Conditions in Appendix C be adopted;
(d) a continued licence period of five years for HMOs be adopted.