Issue - meetings
Batsworthy Noise Compliance Issues Update
Meeting: 05/10/2020 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 186)
186 Batsworthy Cross Windfarm PDF 144 KB
Report by Service Lead Environmental Protection (attached).
The Committee considered a report by the Service Lead Environmental Protection (circulated previously) regarding Batsworthy Cross Windfarm.
The Service Lead Environmental Protection highlighted the following:
· Noise compliance monitoring at six locations close to Batsworthy Cross Windfarm had confirmed compliance with the noise related planning conditions at five of these six locations.
· The Operator had since made further representations to Officers’ concerning certain aspects of the meteorological data used in the noise assessments to date. Having reviewed the representation received, the Council’s acoustic consultant had concluded that the wording of the planning condition does not allow The Operator to utilise an alternative wind speed location at this time. Internal legal opinion also agreed with the view of the Council’s acoustic consultant.
· The Operator was advised of this position on 16 September 2020 asking them again to submit the information identified in paragraph 4.3 of the report within 30 days of the request having been made. The 30 days expired on 16 October 2020.
· A report would be brought to the next meeting of the Committee on 2 November 2020.
The Committee noted the current position.
Meeting: 01/09/2020 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 180)
Batsworthy Noise Compliance Issues Update
Head of Environmental Health and Housing to report.
The Chief Executive advised the Committee that the Head of Environmental Health and Housing was unavailable and, therefore, the item had to be deferred to the next meeting.