Issue - meetings
Public Spaces Protection Orders Dog Control
Meeting: 01/06/2020 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 137)
137 Public Spaces Protection Orders Dog Control PDF 130 KB
Joint report by Environmental Protection Lead and Senior Solicitor (attached).
Additional documents:
The Committee considered a joint report by Environmental Protection Lead and Senior Solicitor (circulated previously) regarding undertaking a consultation exercise on setting up Public Spaces Protection Orders relating to dog controls.
The Environmental Protection Service Lead highlighted the following:
· The Council had received sufficient evidence in relation to anti social behaviour associated with dog fouling and control.
· It was proposed that a consultation exercise be undertaken for a period of 8 weeks which contained measures to enable certain restrictions and obligations to be imposed to help correct behaviour associated with irresponsible dog ownership.
· Following consultation, the proposals would be reviewed and presented to the Committee for consideration in October 2020.
In response to questions, the Environmental Protection Service Lead advised that the Tarka Trail was included within the consultation.
In response to questions, the Chief Executive advised the following:
· The dates of the consultation period as detailed in paragraph 4.5 of the report would be confirmed.
· The first version of the consultation document had been circulated to Members in February 2020 and the responses received had been included within the report presented to the Committee on 4 May 2020. Following the meeting on 4 May 2020, a Member working group had been held which included representatives from each political party and those Members who represented coastal areas. The outcomes of working party had been incorporated within the consultation document appended to the report.
· Concern was expressed regarding the proposal to defer consideration of the consultation document as a working party had already been held and delaying the consultation would put officers under pressure as the Council was awaiting confirmation regarding officers role in the Track and Trace system.
· In accordance with the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, the Council had to provide evidence of anti-social behaviour before implementing a public space protection order. Evidence had been provided by the Council’s Environmental Protection Wardens.
· The Communications Team would be involved in publicising the consultation
In response to a question, the Head of Environmental Health and Housing advised that the impact of dog fouling on water quality was outside of the scope of a public spaces protection order.
RESOLVED that the vote be taken by a recorded vote. |
RESOLVED that the Head of Service (Environmental Health and Housing) be authorised to undertake a consultation exercise using the proposals set out in Appendix A of the report subject to the following:
(a) |
That reference to the significant and positive public health, social and economic benefits of dog ownership be included within the introduction of the consultation document;
(b) |
That the introduction to the consultation document as detailed on page 21 of the report be amended to move the 5th paragraph “The Council wants to look closely at the need for any controls……..” to near the beginning of the introduction;
(c) |
That the numbering of the question on page 28 of the report be amended from “6” to “12”;
(d) |
That the length of the consultation period as detailed in schedule ... view the full minutes text for item 137 |
Meeting: 04/05/2020 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 130)
130 Public Spaces Protection Orders Dog Control PDF 233 KB
Joint report by Environmental Protection Service Lead and Senior Solicitor (attached).
Additional documents:
The Committee considered a joint report by the Environmental Protection Service Lead and Senior Solicitor (circulated previously) regarding Public Spaces Protection Orders Dog Control.
Following concerns raised by the Committee, the Chief Executive advised that if the Committee were minded to defer the consideration of the consultation proposals for one month there were still time to carry out the consultation as the existing cover did not run out until October. This would give the opportunity for further consultation to take place with Councillors. The controls also operated in other areas such as play areas and there was a need to be sensitive regarding controls on beaches. It was anticipated that this survey would receive the most responses that the Council had received.
RESOLVED that the consideration of the report be deferred for one cycle to enable the opportunity for further consultation to take place with Councillors regarding the wording of the proposed questions and that Councillors be requested to feedback to the Environmental Protection Lead within the next two weeks. |