Issue - meetings
Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document
Meeting: 01/06/2020 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 141)
141 Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document PDF 245 KB
Report by Lead Officer Planning Policy (attached).
Additional documents:
- 2020.06.01 Air Quality SPD Appendix A, item 141 PDF 429 KB
- 2020.06.01 Air Quality SPD Appendix B, item 141 PDF 739 KB
The Committee considered a report by the Head of Place (circulated previously) regarding the adoption of an amended Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
The Lead Officer (Planning Policy) highlighted the following:
· Summary of responses received to the draft Air Quality SPD as detailed in Appendix A.
· Amended version of the SPD incorporating the proposed amendments as detailed in Appendix B.
· The main issues raised as part of the consultation as detailed in paragraph 4.4 of the report.
· The Air Quality SPD would also need to be formally adopted by Torridge District Council.
In response to a question, the Lead Officer (Planning Officer) advised that he was unable to confirm a date when Torridge District Council would consider the adoption of the SPD. However, he would confirm the date following the meeting.
The Committee noted a typographical error contained on page 84, paragraph 2.5 (2) and should have stated “Development will be supported where it does not result…..”.
RESOLVED that the amended Air Quality SPD as set out in Appendix B be formally adopted as a supplementary planning document and be treated as a material consideration in determining relevant planning applications subject to paragraph 2.5 (2) on page 84 being amended to “Development will be supported where it does not result…..”.. |