
Issue - meetings

External Audit Progress Report and Sector Update

Meeting: 10/03/2020 - Governance Committee (Item 66)

66 External Audit Progress Report and Sector Update pdf icon PDF 966 KB

Report by Grant Thornton (attached).



The Committee considered a report by Grant Thornton regarding the External Audit Progress report and Sector Update, (circulated previously).


The External Auditor, Peter Barber, highlighted the following:


·         The external auditors would be visiting North Devon Council in the next month as part of the interim audit

·         Last year had been the hardest year experienced in terms of meeting obligations due to changes in regulations and staff losses

·         The draft accounts were due to be received in May

·         The final accounts were due to be audited in July but the auditors were in dialogue with the Council early as this deadline was not going to be achieved by Grant Thornton

·         Grant Thornton would be providing narrative explaining reasons for the late submission of the final audit

·         The recent Brydon review related to all auditors and calls for a review of the auditing process something which Grant Thornton supported

·         The Minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government had last July announced that a review of public sector audits was to be undertaken to determine whether current audit arrangements were “fit for purpose”

·         The detail and size of accounts was growing and this led to the lay person not engaging or reading documents as a 300 plus page document on some councils accounts was off putting


In response to a question about why the auditing of accounts couldn’t be done using Artificial Intelligence, Mr Barber explained that the complex code of practice for Local Authorities as well as each Local Authority being different meant this could not be used.


In response to a question about what Grant Thornton were doing to recruit new staff, Mr Barber replied that the Company was doing all it could which included national recruitment adverts.


RESOLVED that the External Audit Progress Report and Sector Update be noted.