
Issue - meetings

Work Programme 2019-2020

Meeting: 03/09/2019 - Governance Committee (Item 29)

29 Work Programme 2019-2020 pdf icon PDF 131 KB

To consider the work programme.


The Committee considered the work programme for 2019/20 (circulated previously).


The Chief Executive addressed the Committee and explained the purpose of the work programme and that the Members were able to make suggestions for agenda items to add to the programme.


In response to questions from the Committee, the Chief Executive confirmed that:

  • Under the previous Corporate Plan the Authority had two priorities, one of which was service improvement.  Those improvements were encompassed in the 21:21 project.  As the Authority looks to adopt its new Corporate Plan, with four priorities, the 21:21 programme would evolve to take these on board.  Works to the new ICT infrastructure and new telephony systems were in progress. These would update the customer experience.
  • Update on Governance Arrangements had been provisionally placed on the work programme to provide a six month update since the implementation of the new Committee structure.  The previous Council had been established under an Executive Structure which had been considered to be restrictive and not inclusive to all parties.  Initial feedback had suggested that the new structure was more inclusive and working well.    The method and format of that review had not yet been decided, although feedback from the Chairs of the other Committees could be involved, and asked to attend the Governance Committee for that review.




a)            the Senior Management Team (SMT) be invited to provide their feedback to the Chief Executive in relation to the Governance arrangements;


b)            the Chairs of the other Committees be invited to provide their feedback to the Chief Executive in relation to the Governance arrangements and attend the Governance Committee in January 2020;


c)            the Chief Executive circulate (via the Corporate and Community Services Officer) additional information regarding the 21:21 project to the Committee prior to the next Committee meeting; and


d)            the Work Programme 2019/20 be noted.