Issue - meetings
Audit Recommendation Tracker
Meeting: 22/07/2019 - Governance Committee (Item 16)
16 Audit Recommendation Tracker PDF 124 KB
Report by the Head of Corporate and Community Services.
The Committee considered the Audit Recommendation Tracker report by the Head of Corporate and Community in respect of actions taken to address internal and external audit recommendations (circulated previously).
The Committee noted the following updates:
· Table A detailed the 21 live recommendations.
· Table B detailed the 5 recommendations completed since the last meeting of the Committee.
· Table C detailed 7 recommendations for which time extensions were being requested and 1 recommendation for action to be deleted.
· Table D showed no outstanding recommendations (as any outstanding recommendations now had requested for date extensions from the relevant officers).
· Table E Annual Governance Statement could not be completed until all other recommendations were completed.
(a) that the actions completed since the 11th June 2019 Committee meeting be noted;
(b) that time extension be granted for those recommendations as listed in table C;
(c) that the Audit Recommendation Tracker be noted.