
Issue - meetings

External Audit - Progress Report and Sector Update

Meeting: 23/09/2024 - Governance Committee (Item 118)

External Audit - Progress Report and Sector Update

Bishop Fleming to report.




As the External Auditors were not present, the Committee received an update by the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive regarding the External Audit – Progress Report and Sector Update.


The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive confirmed:


·       The deadline for the audit sign off of the Financial Statements 2023/24 was 28 February 2025. It was planned that the External Auditors report would be presented to Governance Committee in November 2024.

·       The External Auditors were pleased with the work carried out to date on the audit at NDC, and the speed in which the finance team responded to their queries.

·       Some audit work remained outstanding in relation to the valuation of assets which was due to be completed soon.

·       The majority of the audit sampling had been completed.

·       A good working relationship was in place between the Authority and the auditors.

·       This was Bishop Fleming’s first year on Local Government audit.

·       Some staff from the previously appointed auditors (Grant Thornton) had moved over to employment with Bishop Fleming.


RESOLVED that the External Audit – Progress Report and Sector Update be noted.