Issue - meetings
Internal Audit Progress Report
Meeting: 23/09/2024 - Governance Committee (Item 108)
108 Internal Audit Progress Report PDF 461 KB
Report by Devon Audit Partnership (DAP) (attached).
The Committee considered a report by Devon Assurance Partnership regarding the Internal Audit progress report (circulated previously).
The Internal Auditor (BH) advised that the organisation had now been renamed from Devon Audit Partnership, to Devon Assurance Partnership.
The Committee was advised of the following in relation to the Internal Audit Progress Report: “In-Year Monitoring Report 2024-25”.
· Four audits had been completed: Treasury Management and Environmental Protection had been awarded a “Substantial Assurance” rating and Economic Development and Lottery had been awarded a “Reasonable Assurance” rating.
· Four audits had commenced for Creditors, Corporate Planning, Museum, and Corporate Programmes.
· The report provided a high-level summary audit plan – dividing the audits into 7 clear categories, with those completed showing their assurance ratings.
The Chair noted that new Audit Standards were to be in place in 2025.
In response to a question, the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive advised that a meeting could be arranged between the Chair and the Auditors to discuss specific audits in more detail if required.
RESOLVED that the Internal Audit Progress In-Year Monitoring Report 2024-25 be noted.