Issue - meetings
Strategy and Resources Committee
Meeting: 17/01/2024 - Council (Item 93)
Strategy and Resources Committee
(i) 8 January 2024
a. Council Tax Reduction Scheme
b. Council Tax Discounts and Premiums
The Director and Resources and Deputy Chief Executive advised Council of a proposed additional recommendation to be incorporated within minute 77 (b) Council Tax Discounts and Premiums and that the recommendation also include “that the additional monies raised from second homes Council Tax Premiums is ring fenced across the Devon wide system of preceptors to address housing challenges.”
In response to a question, the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive advised that all District Councils were putting forward a recommendation to ring fence monies raised from second homes Council Tax premiums in their respective areas. It was proposed that the Council would ring fence its element of the monies.
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Strategy and Resources Committee held on 8 January 2024 (circulated previously) be noted and adopted subject to minute 77 (b) Council Tax Discounts and Premiums be amended to also include “that the additional monies raised from second homes Council Tax Premiums is ring fenced across the Devon wide system of preceptors to address housing challenges.”