
Issue - meetings

Harbour Plans Review

Meeting: 08/08/2023 - Harbour Board (Item 7)

7 Harbour Plans Review pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Report by the Harbour Master (attached)

Additional documents:


The Board considered the Harbour Plans report (circulated previously) by the Ilfracombe Harbour Master.


The Harbour Master advised that as a Statutory Harbour, Ilfracombe Harbour was obliged to have certain policies and plans in place under the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC) and the accompanying guide to good practice. These policies and plans were subject to periodic reviews and amendments. From time to time when deemed necessary for Harbour management a new policy or plan would be put in place.


She drew the Board’s attention to the following points that were highlighted within the report:


·       Since the implementation of the PMSC in 2000 following the lessons learnt from the grounding of the Sea Empress in 1996 Statutory Harbour Authorities who complied with the code were committed to produce policies and plans covering a wide range of subjects and to review those documents on a regular timescales to ensure they continued to be fit for purpose.

·       The review of those documents took into account current legislative regulations and relevant guides to good practice.

·       There were three documents that had been reviewed as per the review schedule, these were as follows:


Ø  Marine Safety Management System (appendix A).

Ø  Marine Emergency Plan (appendix B).

Ø  Edge Protection policy (appendix C).


·       These now required a final review at board level before being adopted.

·       There were no other options to be considered.

·       There were no risks in adopting the recommendation.

·       The three documents had been reviewed/ formulated and were in line with current accepted guidance and uphold the current legislative regulations.

·       There was no impact on the community in adopting the recommendation.


In response to a question regarding the edge protection policy, the Harbour Master advised that the slipway had railings and replacement handrails on the old slipway to provide protection.


She added that permission to swim had been granted to the wild swimming commercial watersports operator at Larkstone Cove. However, lone swimming was not permitted and a new safety sign had been installed to warn that swimming beyond the marker buoys was not permitted.


She drew the Board’s attention to appendices one, two and three of the report, which were as follows:


·       The Marine Safety Management System (MSMS), which outlined the safety plan for the next three years and listed the members of the Board.

·       The Marine Emergency Plan, the Harbour Master had identified that there was no section within the emergency plan with regards to raising the alarm for injuries sustained on board a vessel. So, this had now be included under 2.3 of the plan and outlined the necessary procedures which should be followed in the event of an emergency.

·       Edge Protection Policy, was fully compliant. However, there were one or two actions required with regards to signage and the requirement of chain to be installed at Old Quay Head.


The Harbour Master added that the Harbour plans had been highlighted as one of the better examples of those assessed across the country.


RESOLVED, that the review  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7