
Issue - meetings

Forces Covenant

Meeting: 04/09/2023 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 27)

27 Forces Covenant pdf icon PDF 280 KB

Report by Head of Customer Focus (attached).

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by the Head of Customer Focus (circulated previously) regarding the Forces Covenant.


The Head of Customer Focus highlighted the following:


·       The work and policies that the Council have in place with regard to supporting both veterans and serving military to give Councillors the necessary assurance that the Council was in a position to sign a new Armed Forces Covenant.

·       Paragraph 4.4 of the report outlined how the Council demonstrated its commitment to sign up to a new Armed Forces Covenant.

·       The Covenant would be reviewed on an annual basis and updated as and when any policies are reviewed in the future.

·       The Covenant would be included on the Council’s new website which would be launched later this month.


Jon Beake, Regional Employment Engagement Director, Defence Relationship Management in the South West addressed the Committee and outlined his role in assisting and working with employers to develop Armed Forces Covenants. Previously the Council had co-signed the Armed Forces Covenant with Devon County Council.  Devon County Council had now adopted a Covenant in its own right.  He outlined the Council’s moral obligations and advised that the Council now had a duty to have regard to such a Covenant. He welcomed the Council signing up to a new Covenant and that it would be reviewed on an annual basis.


Wing Commander Alex Drake, Air Regional Employer Engagement Officer addressed the Committee and highlighted the importance of having a Covenant in place and how it also supported reservists, widest defence community, veterans and cadets. It provided support at grass root levels and enabled the military to continue to deliver its services.


RESOLVED that the Council’s proposed Armed Forces Covenant as outlined in Appendix A of the report be approved.


Councillor Roome and Wing Commander Alex Drake formally signed the Armed Forces Covenant.