
Issue - meetings


Meeting: 08/03/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 137)

137 75993: Land adjacent to Roundswell A39 Roundabout, Roundswell, Barnstaple Devon EX31 3RZ pdf icon PDF 259 KB

Approval of details in respect of discharge of conditions 10 & 43 (provision & details of Toucan crossing or alternative crossing facility) attached to planning permission 72675 (hybrid planning application comprising the following: outline application occupying a total area of 1.44 hectares consisting of a garden centre of up to 6,000 sq. m. (gross external floor area), car parking and, other associated ancillary infrastructure; and Full planning permission for a petrol filling station and associated shop and drive-thru coffee shop, occupying a total gross floor area of 1,215 sq. m. including the completion of a Toucan crossing on the eastern arm of the Roundswell Roundabout (amended description, plans & Flood risk assessment)). Report by the Service Manager (Development Management) (attached).

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by Service Manager (Development Management) (circulated previously) in relation to planning application 75993.


Councillor Yabsley declared an other registerable interest as the Chair of the North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee.


Councillor Leaver declared an other registerable interest as the Vice-Chair of the North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee.


Councillor D. Spear declared an other registerable interest as a member of the North Devon Highways and Traffic Orders Committee.


RESOLVED (unanimous) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Service Manager (Development Management).