
Issue - meetings


Meeting: 08/03/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 136)

136 75731: Wesley House North Street South Molton Devon EX36 3AW pdf icon PDF 599 KB

Demolition of existing Wesley House and garage buildings. Reform site and erection of a new building to provide two maisonettes and ground floor office/storage area. Report by Senior Planning Officer (attached).

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report by Senior Planning Officer (DB) (circulated previously) in relation to planning application 75731.


The Senior Planning Officer (DB) advised the Committee of two proposed additional conditions to be included as part of the recommendation:


·       The requirement for the submission of a construction method statement to deal with waste and vehicle management during the demolition of the dwelling.

·       To ensure where possible that existing materials are re-used.


Peter Jones (objector), Reverend Stuart Innalls (supporter), Martin Hickman (supporter), Paul Bailey (supporter), Marc Cornelius (supporter), Derek Summers (applicant) and Daniel Gill (agent) addressed the Committee.

The Senior Corporate and Community Services Officer read a statement received from Alison Verney (supporter) to the Committee.


Councillor Henderson (Ward Member) addressed the Committee.


Councillor Worden (Ward Member) addressed the Committee.  Councillor Worden declared a non registerable interest as he attended the Methodist Church which was located adjacent to the site.


In response to questions raised, the Service Manager (Development Management) advised the following:


·       The Conservation Officer had been consulted and advised that it was a non-designated heritage asset which did not meet the requirements of a significant heritage asset.

·       It was recommended that materials be re-used as appropriate. This would include slate and any materials that were not porous. Any materials that could be re-used would be conditioned.  Samples of all materials would also be requested and the Conservation Officer would be consulted on the re-use of material.

·       The provision of two maisonettes and office accommodation provided a wider public benefit which outweighed the demolition of Wesley House.


RESOLVED (unanimous) that the application be APPROVED as recommended by the Senior Planning Officer subject to the inclusion of two additional conditions in relation to:


a.    The requirement for the submission of a construction method statement to deal with waste and vehicle management during the demolition of the dwelling.

b.    To ensure where possible that existing materials were re-used.


Councillor Chesters left the meeting.