Issue - meetings
Meeting: 08/03/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 134)
134 73784: Land at Glebeland Villas Bishops Nympton South Molton Devon EX36 4PT PDF 1 MB
Demolition of existing private garage blocks and erection of 2 dwellings, with parking provision for existing dwellings and associated works (amended description, red line, plans and additional information). Report by Lead Planning Officer (Major applications) (attached).
Additional documents:
- 73784 Location Plan, item 134 PDF 1 MB
- 73784 Appendix: Report to Strategy and Resources Committee 03.02.2020, item 134 PDF 455 KB
The Committee considered a report by the Lead Planning Officer (Major applications) (circulated previously) in relation to planning application 73784.
The Lead Planning Officer (Major Applications) advised the following:
· There were no additional representations received following the close of re-consultation.
· Since the publication of the agenda, a late consultation response had been received from Bishops Nympton Parish Council dated 28 February 2023, which she read to the Committee.
· There had been no other new matters raised as a result of the late consultations received.
· The Property Manager from North Devon Council and the Highways Officer from Devon County Council was present at the Committee meeting to answer any questions.
· There was no longer a requirement to seek a Section 106 agreement and therefore it was recommended that this reference be deleted from the recommendation on page 43 of the report.
Catherine Gaze (objector), Bill Mallinson (objector), Frances Evans (objector), Joy Padworth (objector), Charles Bradfield (objector), Amanda Sing (objector), Ian Cowling (Parish Council representative) and Matthew Steart (agent) addressed the Committee.
In response to questions from the Committee, the Lead Planning Officer (Major applications) advised the following:
· That the proposed scheme would provide four additional car parking spaces.
· The garages were originally built for vehicle parking and to serve the Glebeland Villas development.
· Over a period of time due to the sale of the housing stock there had been a segregation of land ownership.
· The garages were now unsafe for use, however they had been previously available for use and rental by the tenants. Over time this arrangement had ended.
· The occupiers of the majority of properties were tenants of North Devon Homes.
· The 17 spaces proposed were for general parking for residents and would not be allocated to properties.
· A further two spaces were proposed to be provided for short stay drop offs for carers and deliveries for a period of 15 minutes. As it was a privately owned road, North Devon Homes would be responsible for enforcement of the short stay spaces. A longer period could be provided for short stay which could be controlled by a condition.
· There were currently 17 garages which were not available to use as they were unsafe and there were 13 spaces available in front of the garages for parking which had been utilised, however there was no formal agreement in place.
· The proposed development would create 15 new spaces and a further two spaces in a layby for short term parking.
· There was currently the ability to park on street at the lower section of the site, which was an area of 41 meters and accommodated 6.8 vehicles i.e. six vehicles. Due to the width of the road, vehicles could not park either side of the road as it would cause an obstruction.
· North Devon Homes had advised that they would secure the two dwellings as affordable dwellings in a development agreement with North Devon Council outside of the planning system using their own mechanisms.
The Highways Officer (PY), Devon ... view the full minutes text for item 134