Issue - meetings
Corporate Plan Delivery Highlight report
Meeting: 09/01/2023 - Strategy and Resources Committee (Item 87)
87 Corporate Plan Delivery Highlight report PDF 1 MB
Report by Head of Programme Management and Performance (attached).
The Committee considered a report by the Head of Programme Management and Performance (circulated previously) regarding the Corporate Plan Delivery highlight report.
The Head of Programme Management and Performance highlighted the following:
· In December 2021 the Heads of Services presented their emerging programmes to Members to test their proposed direction of travel and to give Members an opportunity to identify any other areas they felt needed to be considered within the scope of these programmes.
· This was the first highlight report presented to the Committee and it provided an update on progress being made on the four emerging programmes to support the delivery of the Corporate Plan.
· Feedback on the layout of the report was welcomed.
· Page 41 showed a pyramid diagram which set out the thread of activity and how this hangs together.
· The Policy Development Committee at its meeting on 5 January 2023 approved the service plans.
· The table under paragraph 1.10 of the report, set out all of the projects sitting under the four programmes, the project manager/lead and the status of that project.
· Further work was required to test the performance measures to ensure that they were progressive rather than reflective.
In response to questions, the Head of Programme Management and Performance advised the following:
· The frequency of reporting progress on the Corporate Plan delivery to Members was a decision for the Committee.
· The Lead Members could present the progress reports to the Committee.
· The balanced scorecard provided the totals of the number of projects that contributed to each corporate priority. It showed that the number of projects were quite balanced across all of the Council’s corporate priorities.
· Regular update reports were provided to the Senior Management Team and further work required to be completed for critical paths were considered.
In response to questions, the Chief Executive advised the following:
· There had been no change in policy in relation to changing holiday homes to permanent homes. Where a planning application was submitted to change the use of a property, Officers would consider the planning balance. Due to the current housing problem, this was a material consideration when determining applications.
· The Government was currently carrying out consultation in relation to the introduction of a registration scheme for holiday homes and the requirement for planning consent for the change of use of accommodation to a holiday home.
· The Street Marshalls patrolled during the daytime and evenings. Prior to the temporary closure of the public conveniences at the Cattle Market, Barnstaple, the Street Marshalls patrolled this area on an hourly basis.
· Considered that the highlight report should be presented to the Committee on a regular basis i.e. quarterly or half yearly as it provided an update on the programmes which delivered the Council’s corporate objectives. If quarterly this could be presented either alongside or within the performance and financial management report. Presenting the report on an annual basis was too long a period.
In response to questions, the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive advised the following:
· That ... view the full minutes text for item 87