
Issue - meetings

Anti-Fraud and Corruption

Meeting: 11/01/2023 - Council (Item 76)

Anti-Fraud and Corruption

Presentation by Ken Johnson, Devon Audit Partnership.


Council received a presentation by Ken Johnson, Counter Fraud Service Manager, Devon Audit Partnership regarding Anti-Fraud and Corruption. He outlined the following:


·       Who is Devon Audit Partnership and their role in working with Local Authorities regarding counter fraud.

·       The Fraud Triangle

·       How much does fraud cost?

·       What is fraud?

·       Types of fraud which occur within Councils

·       Risks and indicators which the Devon Audit Partnership were reviewing with the Council

·       Risk management and fraud risk identification

·       Actions that were being carried out by the Council

·       Grenfell statistics

·       Useful tools and information that were available


In response to a question, the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive advised that he could not recall any examples of fraud.  Housing benefits was the most popular in terms of counter fraud, however this was against the Department for Works and Pensions.


It was agreed that a copy of the presentation slides be circulated to Members of the Council.