
Issue - meetings

Heart of the South West Joint Committee

Meeting: 16/01/2019 - Council (Item 78)

78 Heart of the South West Joint Committee pdf icon PDF 200 KB

Report by Head of Corporate and Community (attached).


Council considered a report by the Head of Corporate and Community (circulated previously) regarding an update on the work of the Heart of the South West (HotSW) Joint Committee, the budget for the Committee and authority to delegate further powers to the Joint Committee.


It was moved by Councillor Brailey and seconded by Councillor Edmunds “that the development and endorsement of the HotSW Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) be delegated to the HotSW Joint Committee (noting that final approval of the HotSWLIS rests with the HotSW Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the Government); that the Budget statement for 2018/19 as set out in Appendix A of the report be noted and it be noted that in accordance with the decisions taken at the time the Joint Committee was established the Council would be asked to make an annual budgetary provision to meet the support costs of the Joint Committee in line with the 2018/19 contribution of £1400; and that the Budget and Cost-sharing agreement as set out Appendix B of the report be agreed”.





that the development and endorsement of the HotSW Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) be delegated to the HotSW Joint Committee (noting that final approval of the HotSWLIS rests with the HotSW Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the Government);



that the Budget statement for 2018/19 as set out in Appendix A of the report be noted and it be noted that in accordance with the decisions taken at the time the Joint Committee was established the Council would be asked to make an annual budgetary provision to meet the support costs of the Joint Committee in line with the 2018/19 contribution of £1400;



that the Budget and Cost-sharing agreement as set out Appendix B of the report be agreed.


Councillor Mathews requested that it be recorded in the minutes that he abstained from voting as a Devon County Council Member of the HotSW LEP Scrutiny Committee.