
Issue - meetings

Questions to Executive submitted under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, paragraph 10 of the Constitution

Meeting: 16/01/2019 - Council (Item 72)

Questions to Executive submitted under Part 4, Council Procedure Rules, paragraph 10 of the Constitution


The following questions were submitted in advance of the meeting and responses provided by the Leader were tabled:


(i)         Question to Councillor Brailey from Councillor Biederman “When will the planning website be updated and become much more user-friendly, with thumb nails having a title?”  Councillor Brailey’s response “Councillor Biederman thank you for your question. The website has titles, however, we understand it can be somewhat confusing and difficult to access at times. Customer services is currently working to make the whole process easier. The Head of Place Mike Tichford has advised that we are aiming to achieve improvements by the summer of this year with full implementation by early 2020.”  Councillor Biederman asked a supplementary question as to when would the planning website become more user friendly.  Councillor Brailey advised that progress was being made, the communications team were working hard to bring the timescale forward and it would be implemented by early 2020.


(ii)        Question to Councillor Brailey from Councillor Biederman “Following the trials of the three weekly bin collection, what is the timetable for a roll-out, or was it found not to take it any further?”  Councillor Brailey’s response “Councillor Biederman thank you for your question. The timetable for the three-weekly bin collections has yet to be decided. It will go to Executive in the coming weeks and that result will go to full council for further discussions.”  Councillor Worden asked a supplementary question as to why there was no timetable in place.  Councillor Brailey advised that the Portfolio Holder was currently working with the Head of Operations on the timetable for the roll-out which would be brought to the Executive in the near future.


(iii)       Question to Councillor Brailey from Councillor Worden “Would the Leader kindly explain to the Council why he has overruled the motion passed by the Full Council last autumn and cancelled cross party meetings to arrange the conference/symposium designed to help businesses cope with Brexit without consultation with the members on the group. The clock is ticking and with such disarray at the heart of government and a distinct possibility of a no deal Brexit, where is the help from this council to local businesses in preparing for the fall out from leaving the EU?”  Councillor Brailey’s response “Councillor Worden, thank you for your question. There was no cancellation, but a postponement of the meeting and you are well aware of that! There was little point in meeting because we did not have information back at the time from those interested parties that Mr Miles had written to. Furthermore, at the time we did not have a steer from Parliament. However, now that Parliament have given their opinion of the deal with the EU I do not believe we are any further forward. Following the letter from the Head of Legal we have had only two responses and therefore, it will be difficult to set up a meaningful meeting that is not full of Councillors or political representatives who just offer their own  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72