
Issue - meetings

Update on Governance Arrangements

Meeting: 08/03/2022 - Governance Committee (Item 58)

Update on Governance Arrangements

Chief Executive to report.


The Chief Executive provided the Committee with an update on Governance Arrangements and confirmed that:


·       No Members had provided any feedback to indicate that they any had any issues with the current arrangements.

·       It appeared that the Members were content with the system.

·       The Authority was prevented from reverting to the previous arrangements within five years of the change, although minor adjustments could be made.


In response to questions from the Committee, the Chief Executive advised:


·       The main difference between the systems (Executive model and Committee structure) was the political balance built into the Constitution which negated the need to have arrangements for call-in of a decision.

·       The Policy Development Committee had the same powers as the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had, except for the call-in powers.

·       The new structure was more politically-balanced.

·       The Executive Structure did vary between organisations, for example the DCC structure differed from that in place at NDC as NDC had delegated powers to Committees, rather than to individual Councillors.

·       The Executive system in place at NDC was no quicker or slower than the present Committee structure.


RESOLVED that the update of Governance Arrangements be noted.