Decision details
Asbestos management surveys across NDC assets
Decision Maker: Chief Financial Officer
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To waive the request for waiver and award the
contract to Kovia Ltd in relation to Asbestos management surveys
across NDC assets
Reasons for the decision:
In accordance with the Council’s
Contract Procedures Rules, three alternative quotes should be
obtained and the lowest quotation should be accepted.
I can confirm that I have sought advice from Legal Services and we
have agreed that it is appropriate that this requirement be waived
for the following reason(s):
It was not appropriate to use the portal for this procurement as we
were very limited for time, the value was low and we had defined
local contractors who have quoted for the works.
Alternative options considered:
I can confirm that, despite non-compliance
with the requirement to seek at least three quotes, the award of
this contract to the above supplier will be best value for the
Council for the following reason(s):
Four quotes received, based on specification of works produced by
NDC Property Services.
Where quotes were received (option B or C above) please provide
summary information below:
Quotation 1:
Does the quotation conform to the provided specification? Y /
(If no, please provide detail)
Supplier Name: Kovia Ltd
Quotation Price:£16,560.00
Quotation 2:
Does the quotation conform to the provided specification? Y /
(If no, please provide detail)
Supplier Name: GM Asbestos
Quotation Price:£27,150.00
Quotation 3:
Does the quotation conform to the provided specification? Y /
(If no, please provide detail)
Supplier Name: G&L Consultancy Ltd.
Quotation Price:£25,645.00
Quotation 4:
Does the quotation conform to the provided specification? Y /
(If no, please provide detail)
Supplier Name: Clear Asbestos Solutions
Quotation Price:£28,220.00
Publication date: 31/01/2025
Date of decision: 31/01/2025
Accompanying Documents:
- Asbestos management surveys across NDC assets
PDF 305 KB
- Asbestos management surveys across NDC assets