Decision details

Decision details

76371: Land opposite 2 Traceys Cottages, Knowstone, South Molton, Devon, EX36 4RY

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee considered a report by the Planning Officer (circulated previously) in relation to planning application 76371.


RESOLVED that it being 1.00 pm the meeting continue in order for the remaining business to be transacted.


John Pomfret (Parish Council representative), Richard Vos (supporter), Rachael Westacott (representing the applicant) and John Clarke (agent) addressed the Committee.


The Senior Corporate and Community Services Officer read a statement received from Kenneth Dykes (supporter) to the Committee.


In response to questions from the Committee, the Service Manager (Development Management) advised the following:


·       The blue line on the plan indicated the site.  It was not certain whether the applicant had explored alternative locations further north of the site.

·       The Planning Officer considered the application to be contrary to policy DM24 and was adjoining or well related to the built form of Knowstone.

·       Her view was that it was located in the countryside and did not represent a form of sustainable development.  In relation to the social element, the applicant had addressed this as part of her presentation to the Committee. In relation to the economic element, this was a short term gain. In relation to the environmental element, there was significant harm as it was a greenfield site for the provision of one dwelling. The site was located 400 metres away from Knowstone.


Councillor Ley (in his capacity as Ward Member) addressed the Committee.


RESOLVED (unanimous) that the application be APPROVED as the Committee considered that paragraph 78 of the National Planning Policy Framework which stated that “in rural areas, planning policies and decisions should be responsive to local circumstances and support housing developments that reflect local needs…” was a material consideration.

Report author: David Jeffery

Publication date: 16/03/2023

Date of decision: 08/03/2023

Decided at meeting: 08/03/2023 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: