Decision details

Decision details

Approval and Release of Section 106 Funds - Braunton BMX Track, Braunton

Decision Maker: Executive, Strategy and Resources Committee, Council

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee considered a report by the Project, Procurement and Open Space Officer (circulated previously) regarding an update on the Braunton BMX track and request for approval and release of section 106 funds.


The Project, Procurement and Open Space Officer highlighted the following:


·         In March 2019, the former Executive resolved to accept the freehold transfer of land at Velator, to the Council, at nil value, to create a BMX track.

·         Since March, Officers have prepared a specification and tendered the design and construction of the BMX track, with tenders being returned in June.  The contractor was now in place and ready to commence works.

·         Simultaneously, Legal Services had been instructed to undertake the legal transfer. During this process, a restriction on title was found, which states no transfer or assent can be registered without the consent of the former landowner (the owner prior to the BMX Trustees).   A meeting had now been held with the former landowner to try to resolve the issue.  If the previous owner did not provide consent for the freehold transfer, then it was recommended taking a 999 year lease of the land at Velator from the Trustees of Braunton BMX club.





That a further £17,648.49 be allocated towards creation of

Braunton BMX track, landscaping, fencing and any further ancillary works;



That taking a 999 year lease of the land at Velator from the Trustees of Braunton BMX be approved, in the event the former owner does not provide consent for the freehold transfer;





That the capital programme be varied by £17,648.49 and that funds be released.




Report author: Lucy Wheeler

Publication date: 15/08/2019

Date of decision: 05/08/2019

Decided at meeting: 05/08/2019 - Strategy and Resources Committee

Accompanying Documents: