Decision details

Decision details

72836: Land off Down Lane, Braunton, Devon

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Councillor Leaver re-declared her prejudicial interest in the application and chose to leave the meeting during the consideration of this planning application.


The Committee considered a report by the Senior Planning Officer (circulated previously).


The Senior Planning Officer addressed the Committee and advised that:


·         There had been one letter of representation received since the report had been prepared. This letter had incorrectly advised that the applicant was due to, or had, removed a hedgerow on the boundary. This was disputed as the applicant responded and confirmed there was no intention to remove this hedgerow.

·         The site was undeveloped agricultural land.

·         The application consisted of two new dwellings (in a modern style) and the adaption of the existing commercial building to a workshop/ancillary building for the dwelling on plot 1.


The Corporate and Community Services Officer read a statement from Cathie Hamilton (objector) to the Committee.


Sue Prosper (objector) and Ruth McDonough addressed the Committee.


The Corporate and Community Services Officer read a statement from Mr Tapley (objector) to the Committee.


Robert Cocker (Agent) addressed the Committee.


In response to questions from the Committee, the Senior Planning Officer advised:


·         The ancillary unit on plot one could be restricted to ancillary use only.

·         The landscape impact had been considered.  The site was within the development boundary and therefore acceptable.

·         The visual impact assessment had been submitted but the outcome was deemed to be not significant. It could not be refused based on this.

·         DCC Highways Authority had assessed the vehicle movements impact and not objected to the proposal.


The Ward Members (Councillor L Spear, Councillor D Spear and Councillor Chesters) addressed the Committee.


RESOLVED (7 for, 3 against) that the application be DEFERRED for one cycle to enable a site visit to be undertaken to enable the following:

a)    To assess the visual impact of the site from two or three viewpoints in Braunton,

b)    To examine the highways / access

c)    To allow time to receive an architect drawing of the final design

d)    To invite Paul Young, Principal Highways Development Management Officer to attend the site visit.

Report author: Steve Emery

Publication date: 24/08/2021

Date of decision: 11/08/2021

Decided at meeting: 11/08/2021 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: