Decision details
Enforcement Notice report for The Hide Out, Forda, Braunton EX33 1JG
Decision Maker: Service Manager, Development Management Team
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Agreement to issue Enforcement Notice for The
Hide Out, Forda, Braunton, EX33 1JG.
Reasons for the decision:
1.1. The breach of planning control alleged is
within the last 10 years unauthorised change of use of land to a
storage use consisting of the siting of railway carriage, railway
track and associated railway items in addition to other stored
items including but not only a red van, scaffolding, windows,
timber platform structure on agricultural land.
1.2. An Enforcement Notice should be issued to remedy the alleged
breach of planning control. The Council considers it expedient to
issue this Notice for the following reasons:
1.3. The site is located within the Countryside, beyond an
identified Local Centre, Village and Rural Settlement. The storage
use at the site in this location is not considered to meet local
economic and social needs, constitute rural building re-use or
development which is necessarily restricted to a Countryside
location. The principle of development therefore does not accord
with policy ST07 of the North Devon and Torridge Local Plan.
1.4. The placement of the railway carriage, railway track and
associated railway items in addition to other large items stored on
the land – vehicle and building materials, by virtue of the
visible siting within the landscape, the man made appearance and
haphazard placement are considered to result in harm to the
character and appearance of the surrounding rural landscape, which
is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This is contrary to the
duty relating to Protected Landscapes (LURA 2023 s245), NPPF para.
189 and Local Plan policies ST09, ST14, DM14, DM04 and DM08A.
Alternative options considered:
There are no other actions the Council can
take to remedy this breach of planning control. The owner has not
willingly complied with requests to remedy the breaches.
Publication date: 19/02/2025
Date of decision: 17/02/2025
Accompanying Documents:
- Enforcement Notice report for The Hide Out, Forda, Braunton EX33 1JG
PDF 391 KB
- Enforcement Notice report for The Hide Out, Forda, Braunton EX33 1JG