Decision details
14076 - Breach of Condition Notice - The Shields Ilfracombe
Decision Maker: Service Manager, Development Management Team
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Agreement to issue Breach of Condition Notice
for Land at Fern Way, Ilfracombe (also known as The Shields
Reasons for the decision:
1.1. The development has not been carried out
in accordance with the approved plans.
1.2. The agreed scheme has not been wholly completed to adoptable
standard within 4 weeks of the issue date of the planning
permission 78131, 5 December 2024.
1.3. Condition 17: The development shall be carried out in
accordance with the approved surface water drainage scheme listed
in condition 2 above. The agreed scheme shall thereafter be
constructed and wholly completed to adoptable standard within 4
weeks of the issue date of this planning permission.
1.4. The condition has been imposed to ensure the construction of
an adoptable drainage system to mitigate flood risk from surface
1.5. It is therefore expedient to proceed to issue the BCN on the
basis of the following. The relevant planning permission to which
this Notice relates is the planning permission reference ref 78131
granted by the Council on 5 December 2025.
1.6. The requirements of this condition have not been met as the
agreed scheme has not been constructed and wholly completed to
adoptable standard within 4 weeks of the issue date of the planning
permission 78131.
1.7. The requirements of this Notice will be to construct and
wholly complete the approved surface water drainage scheme to
adoptable standard within a period of 30 days.
Alternative options considered:
3.1. There are no other actions the Council
can take to remedy this breach of planning control. The owner has
not willingly complied with requests to remedy the breach which is
why a formal Notice is required now.
Publication date: 30/01/2025
Date of decision: 30/01/2025
Accompanying Documents:
- 14076 - Breach of Condition Notice - The Shields Ilfracombe
PDF 377 KB
- 14076 - Breach of Condition Notice - The Shields Ilfracombe