Decision details

Request for Waiver - Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Ref: WK/202307771

Decision Maker: Director of Resources/Deputy Chief Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Request for waiver


To waive the request for waiver and award the contract to MJS in relation to Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Ref: WK/202307771.

Reasons for the decision:

I can confirm that, despite non-compliance with the requirement to seek at least three quotes, the award of this contract to the above supplier will be best value for the Council for the following reason(s):
The quotation received from MJS was the lower of the two quotations returned via the Supplying the Southwest Portal. Three contractors were invited to quote, within a 21day deadline. The estimated cost of works for this job was £30K to include £10K for a complex level access shower (separate grant type), therefore the proposed cost is within the estimated cost of £20K.

Alternative options considered:

Where quotes were received (option B or C above) please provide summary information below:

Quotation 1:
Does the quotation conform to the provided specification? Y / N
(If no, please provide detail)
Supplier Name: MJS
Quotation Price:£16,700.00

Quotation 2:
Does the quotation conform to the provided specification? Y / N
(If no, please provide detail)
Supplier Name: Kohtalo
Quotation Price: £57,533.92

Quotation 3:
Does the quotation conform to the provided specification? Y / N
(If no, please provide detail)
Supplier Name: Westcountry Ltd
Quotation Price: No quotation returned.

Publication date: 11/04/2024

Date of decision: 02/04/2024

Accompanying Documents: