Decision details

Marine Management Organisation Resurfacing works works

Decision Maker: Head of Place, Property and Regeneration

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To waive the request for waiver and award the contract to LJ Developments (South West) Ltd in relation to the Marine Management Organisation Resurfacing works

Reasons for the decision:

With this RFW I include a copy of the specification or brief which has been prepared for this contract and which details the goods, services and/or works which will be provided.

Specification Attached (and provide a brief description of the contract below):
To regrade and resurface the Cove working area

I can also confirm that the contract terms which will be used for this contract will be the Council’s standard terms and conditions for goods and services or (where relevant) works or, where this is not the case, I have sought the approval of Legal Services to the alternative terms and conditions that I propose to use for this contract.

In accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedures Rules, three alternative quotes should be obtained and the lowest quotation should be accepted.

I can confirm that I have sought advice from Legal Services and we have agreed that it is appropriate that this requirement be waived for the following reason(s):

(Delete A, B OR C as applicable)

A Obtaining three price quotes is not appropriate

I can confirm that, despite non-compliance with the requirement to seek at least three quotes, the award of this contract to the above supplier will be best value for the Council for the following reason(s):
Three quotes were obtained for the MMO application process but these were not obtained via the Councils Portal procurement process. The quotes submitted were reviewed by the MMO and LJ Developments (South West) Ltd were named as the preferred supplier for these works offering best value. The MMO application process is as robust as the Councils own procurement process and as such LJ Developments would have also been named as the preferred supplier.

Alternative options considered:

Where quotes were received (option B or C above) please provide summary information below:

Quotation 1:
Does the quotation conform to the provided specification? Y
(If no, please provide detail)
Supplier Name: LJ Developments ( South West) Ltd
Quotation Price: £42,210.80

Quotation 2:
Does the quotation conform to the provided specification? Y
(If no, please provide detail)
Supplier Name: Devon & Cornwall Surfacing Ltd
Quotation Price:£48,687.31

Quotation 3:
Does the quotation conform to the provided specification? Y
(If no, please provide detail)
Supplier Name: Grills
Quotation Price:£92,640.00

Publication date: 07/06/2023

Date of decision: 26/05/2023

Accompanying Documents: