Decision details
Council Tax Resolutions 2023/24
Decision Maker: Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Council considered a report by the Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive (circulated previously) regarding the Council Tax Resolutions for 2023/24.
The Director of Resources and Deputy Chief Executive highlighted the following:
· Devon County Council at its meeting on 16 February 2023 had approved a Council Tax increase of 4.99%, which was in line with the report.
· Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority at its meeting on 15 February 2023 had approved a Council Tax increase of £5, which was in line with the report.
It was moved by Councillor Worden and seconded by Councillor Tucker “that the formal Council Tax Resolutions for 2023/24 as set out in Appendix A of the report be approved.”
Council noted that in accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 which came into force on 25 February 2014 and the Constitution, Council was required to take a recorded vote when setting its budget and Council Tax.
Voting on the motion:
Voting for the motion: Councillors Biederman, Bushell, Campbell, Cann, Davies, Henderson, Hunt, Knight, Leaver, Ley, Lofthouse, Lovering, Mack, Mackie, Orange, Patrinos, Prowse, Roome, D. Spear, L. Spear, Tucker, Walker, Worden, Yabsley and York.
Voting against the motion: Councillor Lane
Abstained from voting: None
Totals: 25 For, 1 Against and 0 abstained.
The motion was therefore carried.
RESOLVED that the formal Council Tax Resolutions for 2023/24 as set out in Appendix A of the report be approved.
Publication date: 07/03/2023
Date of decision: 22/02/2023
Decided at meeting: 22/02/2023 - Council
Accompanying Documents: