Decision details

Decision details

Re-instatement of Bideford to Barnstaple Rail Link

Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Councillor Lane declared a personal interest as he and his wife were users of the Tarka Trail.


The Committee considered the following notice of motion submitted by Councillor Lofthouse which had been referred to the Strategy and Resources Committee by Council on 23 February 2022:


“Motion to support the re-instatement of Bideford to Barnstaple rail link for passenger and other services, as proposed by ACE Rail.


This Council agrees to:


1) Include this policy aim within the revised joint local plan.

2) Work with partners and organisations to support and develop this idea and to lobby those who may contribute to making this happen including Great British Railways, Devon County Council, Peninsula Transport, and the Government.

3) Invite Councillor Tim Steer to a future Full Council meeting to give a presentation of what is currently being proposed by ACE Rail.”


The Committee received a presentation by Councillor Tim Steer, Director of Bideford Railway Heritage Centre and ACE Rail Lead regarding the proposed re-instatement of Bideford to Barnstaple rail link for passenger and other services and the reasons for the proposed re-instatement.  He outlined the proposed starting points and next steps which included part funding an independent specialist adviser to prepare a prospectus for ACE rail as a basis for an initial business case which would cost £12,000 and suggested that North Devon Council and Torridge District Council be requested to contribute £3,500 each towards the appointment of an independent specialist adviser.


Councillor Lofthouse presented the motion to the Committee and outlined the reasons for the submission of the notice of motion.


In response to a question, the Director of Resources advised that the suggested contribution of £3,500 towards the appointment of an independent specialist adviser had not been included within the revenue budget for 2022/23.  There was an Environmental Initiatives earmarked reserve which could be considered.  Officers would also need to explore whether there were any external funding opportunities available.


RESOLVED that motion to support the re-instatement of Bideford to Barnstaple rail link for passenger and other services, as proposed by ACE Rail be supported and the Council agrees:


(a)      That the inclusion of this policy aim within the revised joint local plan be referred to the Joint Planning Policy Committee for consideration;

(b)      To work with partners and organisations to explore this idea and where necessary to lobby those who may contribute to making this happen including Great British Railways, Devon County Council, Peninsula Transport, and the Government.

Publication date: 26/04/2022

Date of decision: 04/04/2022

Decided at meeting: 04/04/2022 - Strategy and Resources Committee

Accompanying Documents: